Ugandan LGBTIQ Refugees living in Germany – FLIT AND FRIENDS (We!R#23)
[mixcloud https://www.mixcloud.com/wabf_Empowerment_Radio/wer23-ugandan-lgbtiq-refugees-living-in-germany-flit-and-friends/ width=100% height=120 hide_cover=1 light=1] Live in our Studio: FLIT AND FRIENDS – Ugandan LGBTIQ Refugees living in Germany
122 people are pending eviction from Lager Bornitzstr. 102 run by PeWoBe #refugeesWelcome #Berlin
from abriraqui Today at around 16h I received a call. Someone had notified Lager Mobilisation Group, that 122 people living in the Lager (a camp) at Bornitzstr 102 (Lichtenberg – Berlin) were going to be evicted from this Lager and transfer to another Lager at Köpenicker Allee…
Make the protest march possible! Redistribute money!
1st of October, 2016 25th day at Sendlinger Tor In less than one week the protest march to Nuremberg starts. To make the protest march financially possible, a lot of money is still needed – for the food of the activists, gasoline or infrastructure. For example, you can…
Why we are organising a protest march
30th of September, 2016 24th day at Sendlinger Tor On the 8th of October, we are going to start a protest march from Munich to Nürnberg to protest for our right to stay, and against the discrimination by the Bavarian integration bill. Why is Nürnberg the destination of…
Protest und Widerstand gegen menschenunwürdige Wohnverhältnisse für Flüchtlinge!
Leftvision: Protests of Non-Citizens at Sendlinger Tor in Munich (Video)
The conditions for Non-Citizens in Germany are bad – but the Non-Citizens speak out! In Munich is protesting on the road since early September. The demands: receiving asylum, stop deportations, better accommodation.
From 7th of October, 2016, the protesting refugees at Sendliger Tor in Munich will start a new mode of protest against the inhuman living circumstances and the dreadful asylum law in Germany. Right now, there is a protest camp at Sendliger Tor – München. We’ll send you as…
Pressekonferenz am 27.09.2016 – Protestmarsch nach Nürnberg in Planung
München, 27th of September, 2016 21th day at Sendlinger Tor Today, the protesting refugees from Sendlinger Tor have analysed the development of their protest in a press conference. Also, attending journalists and other interested persons have been explained the next steps: A protest march to Nuremberg is planned…
Im Gespräch mit ‘F.O.R. Palestine’
[mixcloud https://www.mixcloud.com/wabf_Empowerment_Radio/we-r-24-im-gespr%C3%A4ch-mit-for-palestine-2016-09-24/ width=100% height=120 hide_cover=1 light=1] Zionismus als Fluchtursache? Flucht und Vertreibung aus Palästina – zu Gast im Studio: Dror und Tarek von F.O.R. Palestine, Ramsis Kilani und Janis – die Sendung ist auf deutsch ‘F.O.R. Palestine’ ist eine Gruppe, die sich der Solidaritätsarbeit mit Palästina in Europa…