Ahmed musste ausreisen (video)
by Lampedusa Berlin Fünf Jahre lang hat der Nigerianer Ahmed in Deutschland gelebt, eine Ausbildung gemacht, Deutsch gelernt. Dann bekam er die Ausreiseaufforderung. Ein Filmteam hat ihn begleitet. Vor einem Jahr trafen die Filmemacher Tim Hamelberg und Ben Glitschka zum ersten Mal den geflüchteten Nigerianer Ahmed in Berlin.…
15 Refugee activists from The VOICE Refugee Forum Bavaria joined the start of the protest march from Munich to Nuremberg
We, 15 Refugees from The VOICE Refugee Forum Bavaria joined the start of the protest march from Munich with refugee residents from Dingolfing city , Passau city , Moosburg city and Gottfriedingerschwaige village , Loihcing village , Landau village . The VOICE Refugee Forum Bavaria: In solidarity with…
Support in front of lager in Bornitzstr. Berlin
Update by abriraqui 122 people in #Bornitzstr. Lager are not receiving food since Thursday. Today a group of volunteers went to the Lager to give warm food outside here a short video taken: Giving food at Bornitzstr102 Lager – Berlin from abriraqui Update Monday, 10.10.2016 At Bornitzt…
DEMO against the bloody Dictatorship of Idriss Deby / October 11th, 2016, Berlin
We, the Chad Youth in Germany, wish to protest against the visit of the Chadian dictator Idriss Deby in Germany because this tyrant represses his people. We urge the leaders of Germany not to be complacent with the dictator Deby who does not respect any democratic principle and…
Lomnava events with No Stress Tour in lagers
During the summer 2016, from june to september Lomnava band have been doing No stress tour in several lagers in and outside Berlin. We visited people and organised different events, like Workshop for kids, concerts, football and volleyball matches…In Spandau, Storkowerstr., Lichtenberg people responded in a positive way,…
Berta Cáceres lebt! Berta Cáceres vive! (We!R #20)
[mixcloud https://www.mixcloud.com/wabf_Empowerment_Radio/wer-20-berta-c%C3%A1ceres-lebt-berta-c%C3%A1ceres-vive/ width=100% height=120 hide_cover=1 light=1] Zu Gast im Studio: Domin, Julia und Kirstin von der Honduras-Delegation. Sie berichten über die aktuelle politische Situation in Honduras. Honduras gilt für Menschenrechtsverteiger*innen als eines der gefährlichsten Länder weltweit. Sie stellen die Arbeit von COPINH (Consejo Cívico de Organizaciones Populares e…
Statement of The VOICE Refugee Forum Bavaria: In solidarity with protest march from Munich to Nuremberg in 2016
The VOICE Refugee Forum (Bavaria)activists joined refugee protest in Munich on 07.10 before the start of the protest marsh to Nuremberg Statement of The VOICE Refugee Forum Bavaria: In solidarity with the “Refugee Struggle for Freedom” protest march from Munich to Nuremberg 2016, We demand for unconditional Residence…
Protest March Munich to Nuremberg
8th of October 2016, Munich 33th day at Sendlinger Tor 1st day on Protest March We need your financial support for our protest march from Munich to Nürnberg – read more about it on our web page: refugeestruggle.org Spendenkonto: Account name: Refugee Struggle for Freedom BIC: GENODEM1GLS IBAN:…
Another day at Lager in Bornitzstr 102. Waiting the police
from abriraqui In the post from yesterday I was saying that maybe today (07.10.2016) in the morning they police would come and proceed with the eviction. It didn’t happen, but it does not mean anything. Early morning the employers from PeWoBe knocked at the door of people’s room…