The Overstanding Radioshow (We!R#16)
[mixcloud https://www.mixcloud.com/wabf_Empowerment_Radio/we-r-16-the-overstanding-radioshow_-part-1/ width=100% height=120 hide_cover=1 light=1][mixcloud https://www.mixcloud.com/wabf_Empowerment_Radio/we-r16-the-overstanding-radioshow_part2/ width=100% height=120 hide_cover=1 light=1] our friends and colleagues Yaksi and Joseph talking about overstanding, education, entertainments, Mandinga and Gambia!
Diskussion über den kurdischen Befreiungskampf mit Baran Yunus und Turgay Ulu, 10. September 2016 (We!R#17)
[mixcloud https://www.mixcloud.com/wabf_Empowerment_Radio/wer17_stop-den-krieg-in-kurdistan/ width=100% height=120 hide_cover=1 light=1] Yaptığımız radyo programında, Kürt Özgürlük Mücadelesi hakkında tartıştık. 1984 öncesine kadar gerçekleşen Kürt halk isyanlarının durumu ve 1984 sonrası geliştirilen ettkili mücadele ile elde edilen haklar konusunu tartdıştık. Ayrıca aktüel durumla ilgili olarak Rojava devriminin Ortadoğuda sağladığı altarnatif mevzi hakkında konuştuk. Türk…
Berlin: Info meeting about occupation of Sendlingertor in Munchen
When: Saturday 24.9. 7:30 PM Where: f.a.q – infoladen, Jonasstraße 40, 12053 Berlin Some of freedom fighters who occupied the Sendlingertor in Munchen for the last two weeks are our guests in Berlin. They are going to tell us the story of occupation. What is the situation right…
Our struggle is not only a struggle for the right to stay.
München, 22ter September 2016 17ter Tag am Sendlinger Tor Unser Kampf ist nicht nur ein Kampf für Bleiberecht. Wie viele andere Menschen auf der ganzen Welt, kämpfen auch wir gegen Rassismus. Heute haben sich ca. 30 Aktivist*innen unseres Protestcamps vor dem iranischen Konsulat in der Mauerkircherstrasse 67 zusammengefunden,…
Gökyüzüne çizilmiş resimlere benzerdik
[mixcloud https://www.mixcloud.com/wabf_Empowerment_Radio/g%C3%B6ky%C3%BCz%C3%BCne-%C3%A7izilmi%C5%9F-resimlere-benzerdik-wer-empowerment-hour-1/ width=100% height=120 hide_cover=1 light=1] Gökyüzüne çizilmiş resimlere benzerdik – radio liveshow & discussion 15.05. 6PM (We!R#? empowerment hour #1) Gökyüzüne çizilmiş resimlere benzerdik Rüzgarın peşine takılan bir nefes gibiydik Kırdı dallarımızı fırtınalar boranlar Kaldı bahar çiçekleri üzerinde sevgimiz We were like pictures drawn to…
From Bautzen to Munich – a united struggle against racism
Munich, 19th of September, 2016 14th day at Sendlinger Tor Dear brothers, dear sisters, the news from Bautzen reached us. With this letter we want to express our solidarity with you. We have a lot respect for your courage and your resistance in Bautzen. Stay strong! You…
Live Video Interview vom Sonntag (18.09.2016)
Video of Refugee Struggle for Freedom, Munich 2016: Live Video Interview from Sunday, 18/09/2016
Call Out to get LOUD, to change the social relations! | Refugee Struggle for Freedom _ munchen, 7th day at Sendlinger Tor
Munich, 13th of September 2016 7th day at Sendlinger Tor Asylum laws, Integration Law, racist activities and Co. What is our reality and why we are at the Sendlinger Tor? We are here to gain the right to stay, to be in the public eye, to talk with…
Invitation: MRIYR – Carnival and Conference 2017
Please Spread the invitation! Dear Friends, MRIYR would like to invite our all supporters on 14th September to plan our actions for the next year. We’ll meet at 7pm at Schaubühne Cafeteria and then we’ll go to the meeting room. If you come late ask at the Cafeteria.…