Racism has produced the Mediterranean “refugee crisis”
Women In and Beyond the Global: Today, thousands of people escaping violence are killed or die because of the color of their skin, their origins, and because there are too many of “them” to fit into the neoliberal order of exploitation and competition. At the same time, the…
Military action not a solution for migrants and refugees
The GUE/NGL group was critical of the package of measures proposed by the European Commission to stem the flow of migration to Europe’s shores by military and other repressive means. GUE/NGL President Gabi Zimmer said: “I criticise the behaviour of member states. They have set a framework of…
Germany’s Asylum Seekers – You Can’t Evict a Movement
BERLIN, May 21 2015 (IPS) – In a move to take their message of solidarity to refugees across the country and calling for their voices to be heard in Europe’s ongoing debate on migration, Germany’s asylum seekers have taken their nationwide protest movement for change on the road…
Statement on the federal police’s charges against me on racist control – Miloud Lahmar Cherif, The VOICE Refugee Forum
If you are a non-white man or a woman living in Germany, you have probably – at least once during your stay here – been asked by the police to show your personal documents without any obvious reasons behind that behavior. This act could take place anywhere in…
Ohlauer Bleibt! Verwaltungsgericht gibt den Bewohner_innen der Ohlauer Schule Recht!
The district is not allowed to evict the school. Reasons: the school is no more used as an official building for the district, therefore the district had to go to the civil court to aply for their needs. the aim of the district not to spend to much…
Unterstützung des Hungerstreiks! Zeigen wir Gülaferit unsere Solidarität! Support the Hungerstrike! Lets show Solidarity to the fight od Gülaferit
Sonntag, den 24.5.2015, 17 Uhr Sunday, 24.5.2015, 5pm meeting : S+U-Bahnhof Pankow (Garbatyplatz) demonstration to JVA-Pankow The political prisoner Gülaferit Ünsal is in hunger strike since the 6 of April (46 days by today) to protest against the conditions of provocation and malicious chicane. Her sitiuation is very…
Tomorrow: court decision about ohlauer school
Für Morgen wird die Entscheidung des Verwaltungsgerichtes zur Refugeeschule Ohlauer Straße erwartet! Entweder gibt es dann Grund zur Freude oder Grund zur erhöhten Wachsamkeit! Es wären dann zwar nicht alle rechtlichen Möglichkeiten ausgeschöpft, dennoch sind die Reaktionen des Bezirksamtes sowie der Polizei nicht vorhersehbar! Achtet deshalb bitte alle…
From Boé to Berlin workshop, guided tour, screening and discussion
Sunday, May 31 3 pm contribution to the workshop Mobility, 12 – 6 pm at Arsenal Cinema (Potsdamerstr. 2) 7 pm critical guided tour to Oranienplatz departs from Arsenal Cinema 9 pm screening at Prinzessinnengarten (Prinzessinnenstr. 15, am Moritzplatz) In 2014 a mobile cinema traveled through Guinea-Bissau screening…
Greetings from Anti Frontex Days Warsaw
Greetings from the Anti Frontex Days in Warsaw/Poland ! Today’s demonstration is organised by different international groups and activists. If you want to see in live pictures and demo of our protest actions here In Poland, see all here, start from 5 pm. Please check following pages for…