Call for Material – Movement Exhibition WE WILL RISE
What we need: – pictures, videos, audios, banners, posters, Flyer, Flags, buttons – Articles and paintings – stuff that is or was important for the movement – … Please contact us: refugeeresistanceberlin@gmail.com Why an exhibition about the Refugee Movement?
“We are still here”…..”Nous sommes encore ici” ….”Wir sind noch hier” demonstration, 22.05, 17.00, Parochialkirche, U Klosterstraße
——– English ———— “We are still here” As a reminder of the drowned and dead on the flight As a sign for the rescued As a symbol for the opportunity of survival and life As an appeal to all of us We want to carry the ark into…
Semaine d’action contre les politiques migratoires européennes //// Week of action against european migratory policies- Press release
english below…. ……………………………. Communiqué de presse – 19 mai 2015 Semaine d’action contre les politiques migratoires européennes Week of action against european migratory policies « Pour la justice sociale et la liberté de circulation et d’installation pour toutes et tous » « For Social justice and freedom of circulation and settlement…
Osnabrück : Massenabschiebung Kosovo aus Lager Bramsche-Hesepe – Nachbericht zur Mahnwache
Nachbericht zur Mahnwache anlässlich einer Massenabschiebung in den Kosovo aus dem Lager Bramsche-Hesepe Hunderte von Menschen hatten sich in der Nacht vom 12. auf den 13. Mai vor der Niedersächsischen Erstaufnahmeeinrichtung für Geflüchtete in Bramsche-Hesepe versammelt. Die Einen – eine Gruppe von ca. 30 Kosovaren, um abgeschoben zu…
Manifesto by Patras Bwansi alias Bino Byansi Byakuleka
A manifesto by Bino Byansi Byakuleka on how to to face fear and racism in todays capitalist world as well as historic reason for why there is the African Refugees Union in Berlin.
10 points to really end the deaths of migrants at sea
by Borderline Europe
Statement from Refugee Activists from Ohlauer School
We are here to fight for our human rights. Here in the school the politicians try to isolate us – no visitors, not eve lawyers, doctors, not even international activists like Angela Davis, not even our friends and supporters. Shame on them! The politicians in Berlin try to…
Salut – Olá – مرحبا – Merhaba – درود – Moin – Привет! – ¡Hola! – Hi
We are International Women’s Space. Check out our latest news. We regularly meet with refugee women in Germany, here are some things we hear a lot: from iwspace http://bit.ly/1e7JWI3
“The Refugee movement is the movement of the 21st Century” – Angela Davis in Berlin, May 2015
// Spanish below // Deutsch untenstehend // “Can someone explain to me why can’t I go inside the school?” asked Angela Davis on the 14th of May, during her meeting with activists in the Werkstatt der Kulturen, in Berlin. “Is it a school or a prison?” To which people from the…