EU to Deepen Mediterranean Tragedies
European Commission reacted to the boat tragedy with plans to set up of offshore camps in Libya and Tunisia, to lock up and pre-empt asylum seekers before they cross the Mediterranean. It has been described ingenuously as “outsourcing border control and containment mechanisms to prevent departures.” Italy’s foreign…
WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange on Europe’s Secret Plan for Military Force on Refugee Boats from Libya
WikiLeaks has just revealed secret details of a European Union plan to use military force to curb the influx of migrants from Libya. “The documents lay out a military operation against cross-Mediterranean refugee transport networks and infrastructure,” WikiLeaks says. “It details plans to conduct military operations to destroy…
“I risked everything. I wanted freedom, a place to feel safe. But, for me this is hell.” – a testimony on life as a woman in Saudi Arabia and seeking asylum in Germany
I wake up every day and see a wall. The building I see through my window is a wall. I always keep my important things packed. When I go to Aldi, I look at goods I may need, but I don’t buy them. I think I won’t be…
Beschwerde vom Bezirk gegen positiven Entscheid des Verw.Gericht für #ohlauer school
the district has announced not to accept but to make a complaint against the decision of the administrative court which gave people of scholl the right to stay there. More: http://www.tagesspiegel.de/berlin/fluechtlinge-in-kreuzberg-bezirk-legt-beschwerde-wegen-gerhart-hauptmann-schule-ein/11828760.html And still the question: why does district pays 4000€/day for the school (mostly for security)? is this…
From shore to shore: regional collapse and human insecurity
LAMPEDUSA, ITALY – APRIL 23: A migrant woman waits to board a ship bound for Sicily on April 23, 2015 in Lampedusa, Italy. It is expected that EU leaders in Brussels are to agree later that only 5,000 resettlement places across Europe are to be offered to refugees…
Lange Asylverfahren erschweren Flüchtlingen Job-Einstieg
Die langen Asylverfahren in Deutschland erschweren Flüchtlingen die Eingliederung in den Arbeitsmarkt. Zu diesem Schluss kommt eine Studie der Bertelsmann-Stiftung, die am Dienstag in Gütersloh veröffentlicht wurde. Die Bundesregierung habe die Residenzpflicht und das Arbeitsverbot für Asylbewerber zwar auf drei Monate verkürzt. Dennoch bleibe Asylbewerbern, von denen immerhin…
Boat action of Lampedusa in Berlin against broken oplatz agreement of Henkel
Protestaktion von sog. Lampedusa-Flüchtlingen vor der Innenverwaltung Berlin. Die Refugees werden seit dem Verlassen des Oranienplatzes vor mehr als einem Jahr vom Berliner Senat trotz Zusagen und Vereinbarungen brutal im Stich gelassen . Ohne die engagierte Unterstützung und Hilfe einiger evang. Kirchenkreise wäre das Überleben dieser Flüchtlingsgruppe in…
Fight Racism – Fight Police Violence! Demo in Hannover, Friday May 29th
Solidarity with the people facing racist police violence! With rage and consternation we noticed the press articles about racist police violence and torture by federal police (Bundespolizei) at main station Hannover. We are as well in rage about how it is dealt with these attacks: NDR (Press) says…
Our afternoon with Angela Davis
the photograph is out of focus, we know it. We also know the photographer was too excited to hold firmly the camera. For us, the International Women Space spending sometime in the company of Angela Davis was a most motivating moment because it is not yet everyday that we…