PKK: Kurdish Female Fighters of Kurdistan Fighting ISIS Documentary
A documentary on the Kurdish female and male fighters of PKK (Kurdistan Workers Party). As of 2014, they have become the only force capable of fighting the ISIS (Islamic State) on the borders of Kurdistan, especially in Kobane in the West Kurdistan (Rojava), its branch, People’s Defense Units…
Canan Bayram über Ablehnung Seenotrettung im Mittelmeer
Canan Bayram (Bündnis 90/Die Grünen) click here for the video. zeigt sich enttäuscht, dass der Antrag der Opposition zur Seenotrettung im Mittelmeer abgelehnt wird. Man hätte hier eine gute Möglichkeit gehabt, vom Abgeordnetenhaus das Signal zu senden “Berlin unterstützt Menschenrettung”. Sie nutzt die Debatte, um erneut auf die Situation…
Angela Davis’ 1972 Prison Interview Perfectly Explains the “Violence” in Baltimore
The philosopher-activist and professor was hunted down by the FBI for a crime she didn’t commit, jailed in 1970, and freed in 1972. While serving her sentence in a California jail, she gave a thoughtful interview (later included inThe Black Power Mixtape) about the state of the Black Panthers…
Nigeria’s female genital mutilation ban is important precedent, say campaigners
The Nigerian government has taken the historic step of outlawing the practice of female genital mutilation (FGM), in a move campaigners describe as “hugely important”. Nigeria – a cultural and political powerhouse in Africa – introduced a new federal law banning the practice, which involves removing part or…
Nato foreign ministers link arms and sing We Are The World – video
https://www.youtube.com/embed/2_wfMrz9_mY?version=3&rel=1&fs=1&showsearch=0&showinfo=1&iv_load_policy=1&wmode=transparent It is unbelievable that the lives of so many human beings depend on the minds of these men and women, who surely see themselves as the ultimate peacemakers! Striking a distinctly different note for a military alliance meeting, European officials ended a Nato gathering with a spirited…
Mediterranean migrant crisis: ‘If Europe thinks bombing boats will stop smuggling, it will not. We will defend ourselves,’ says Tripoli PM
The defeat of Muammar Gaddafi and his regime after four decades of often brutal rule could not have been achieved without Western air support largely orchestrated by David Cameron and Nicolas Sarkozy. In the chaotic aftermath, Britain, France and the international community walked away. Now the European Union…
Ferries not Frontex! 10 points to really end the deaths of migrants at sea
by The Alarm Phone • 23 April 2015 On April 20, the Joint Foreign and Home Affairs Council of the EU released a ten-point action plan outlining their response to the recent deaths of migrants in the Mediterranean Sea. Many other proposals have also been made over the last few days.…
Bezirk legt Beschwerde wegen Gerhart-Hauptmann-Schule ein
Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg darf die besetzte Gerhart-Hauptmann-Schule in Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg nicht ohne weiteres räumen lassen, entschied das Verwaltungsgericht. Jetzt geht der Bezirk vor die nächste Instanz. Das Bezirksamt hat am Dienstag entschieden, gegen das Urteil des Verwaltungsgerichts zur besetzten Gerhart-Hauptmann-Schule Beschwerde einzulegen, sagte Bezirksamtssprecher Sascha Langenbach. Jetzt muss das Oberverwaltungsgericht die…
Donate for The Crocodile – and support the fight against FGM
Call for Donations: http://bit.ly/1FcbGkl “The Crocodile” is an initiative of Bintou Bojang to fight Female Genital Mutilation (FGM). The first nationwide networking meeting will be on the 12th of June in Dortmund, when women affected by FGM will come from different parts of Germany to spend a day sharing…