How to support the Refugee Conference (August 21th – 23th, 2015) in Hanover? / Wie kann ich die Refugee-Konferenz in Hannover (21. – 23.8.2015) unterstützen?
Deutsch unten We hope that this will answer all your questions concerning the Refugee Conference in two weeks in Hanover! If you have any questions, information or feedback, write a mail to refugeecamph@riseup.net ! Final information for everybody interested in participating in Refugee Conference 2015: 1.)…
VIDEO: German news anchor Anja Reschke uses slot to attack ‘little racist nobodies’ in impassioned call to end hatred towards refugees
The Independent: A German news anchor has sparked a huge debate after using her evening TV slot to wage verbal war on those who racially attack refugees. Anja Reschke expressed her anger at how worryingly normal it now is to publish “hate tirades” under real names in comment pieces…
State of emergency in Lageso in Moabit
Hundred of refugees wait in Turmstraße (Moabit) for their permission documents to an accommodation place. The people are told to do not leave the waiting queue – they must stay there all the time, including their children. Water and food supply is low, it lacks water bottles (there…
New Infopoint at O-Platz, now also with TENT (!) and new Telefonnumber
Since two weeks there is the new Infopoint at O-Platz, now also with TENT (!) and new Telefonnumber: 0152 – 1021 9961 (Lyca) every day from 3 to 9 pm there are people at the Infotent, two shifts: 3 – 6 and 6 – 9 pm. From 3…
Schüler spielt Merkel streichelt Flüchtlingskind nach
Eklat in Mahatma Ghandi-Schule.
Call for Protest: Our home against the system
WHEN: thursday 6.aug.2015 12h WHERE: BIM, Warschauerstr. 41/42, 10243 Berlin The 25 year old radical queer wagon place Kanal is still threatened. The owner BIM (Berliner Immobilien Management/ Ex- Liegenschaftsfonds) have been preventing the settlement of a new contract for more than 2 years now by posing discriminating…
Women and children arriving at Calais’s migrant camps ‘need greater protection’
Women and children are turning up in large numbers at migrant camps in Calais for the first time and authorities are not doing enough to shelter and protect them, a senior aid worker has warned. “Since last summer we started to have an increase in woman and children and…
3 more deaths in Calais
A Sudanese woman was found dead in a lorry at the Tunnel this morning. Two men died in the past two days. One was Sudanese or Eritrean according to the police, and the other Pakistani. The first man died yesterday night after being hit by a lorry. The…
Petition: Appell an Frau Aydan Özoguz: Mehr Ehrlichkeit im Umgang mit Asylsuchenden!
zur Petition Sehr geehrte Frau Özoguz, als Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für Migration, Flüchtlinge und Integration tragen Sie Verantwortung für alle Menschen, die auf der Suche nach Schutz vor Verfolgung nach Deutschland kommen. Wir fordern Sie auf, dieser Verantwortung gerecht zu werden, indem Sie sich ehrlich für alle Flüchtlinge…