DEVRİMCİ MÜLTECİ HARKETİ DENEYİMLERİNİ AKTARIYOR/ Revolutionary Refugee Movement Shares its Experiences
Our movement, which is a self-organized refugee movement centered in Germany, has organized exhibitions in order to share the experience of the resistance we have been holding on the streets in Germany and all around Euroupe for many years with different groups. We had the first exhibition in…
Presseerklärung/Resolution der TeilnehmerInnen der bundesweiten Refugee-Konferenz 21.-23.08.2015 in Hannover
Dieses bundesweite Treffen, organisiert vom Protestcamp der sudanesischen Geflüchteten auf dem Weißekreuzplatz in Hannover in Zusammenarbeit mit „Lampedusa in Hamburg“, dem „Refugee-Movement Berlin“ und der „Refugee-Bustour“, wurde unterstützt vom ver.di-Bildungswerk Niedersachsen, der Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung Niedersachsen, der DFG/VK und dem Friedensbüro Hannover, radio flora sowie anderen Gruppen und…
„We are here because you destroyed our countries“
We have been seeing, through the media, a rise of solidarity amongst the Germans towards refugees. There has been article after article reporting about welcome structures in different parts of the country. Different people are creating websites offering temporary accommodation to refugees, others are collecting basic clothes, food…
The Refugees Are Coming!!!
By ANDRE VLTCHEK: I don’t really know, I don’t understand how it feels: to live in a rich European country, which is rich mainly because it has been directly plundering many poor nations around the world. Or it has been plundering by association, through its membership in some extremist…
La maison des réfugiés – Squatted school in Paris
Emus par la solidarité des habitants du 19ème et conscients que nous pouvons ne pas être bien vus par tous, nous décidons d’organiser une fête pour inviter les voisins à la rencontre des migrants, pour découvrir le lieu fermé depuis si longtemps, discuter, poser des questions, faire…
Europe’s Deportation Machine – Human Rights Activists Monitor
In-depth reportage ZEIT ONLINE in English about the system of mass deportation of refugees in Germany and Europe. ZEIT ONLINE report: http://zeit.de/feature/refugees-in-germany-deportation-flights-laws Interactive: http://www.zeit.de/feature/deportation-refugees-flights-frontex Thousands of refugees risk their lives getting to Europe each day. And many of them won’t ultimately be allowed to stay. The EU has…
Paris ‘generously’ allows hundreds of migrants to stay in abandoned school
Migrants walk in the courtyard at the Guillaume-Bude secondary school, near a banner which reads, “Flee from War, Live on the Streets” in Paris, France, August 2, 2015. Some two hundred migrants, some of whom were expelled from a makeshift tent city in Paris seek refuge in the…
Opening of the exhibition “We will Rise”
On 7 August the exhibition and archive “WE WILL RISE” Has started in the “FHXB Museum”, Afterwards we walked through kreuzberg and visited Oranienplatz and
Taz: Frauen als Flüchtlinge Schutzlos in einem sicheren Land
Von Andrea Dernbach Auch wer es nach Deutschland geschafft hat, ist nicht sicher. Gerade weibliche Flüchtlinge sind oft Gewalt ausgesetzt – nicht zuletzt in Asylbewerberheimen. Das Deutsche Institut für Menschenrechte prangert mangelhaften Schutz für Frauen an, die nach Deutschland geflohen sind. Seit etwa 15 Jahren gelte unter anderem…