Our borders still kill — action against German Unity Day (3rd october)
Flyer: Flyer+2sprachig+Back.compressed “Grenzen überwinden” ??? (overcome borders!) This is not a joke, “overcome borders” is this year’s official moto of the German Unity Day (Tag der Deutschen Einheit) – celebrated on 2nd, 3rd and 4th of October. For 3 days, they will party around the fall of the…
Court decision in favor of people from the Gerhart-Hauptmann-School!
Beschluss des Oberverwaltungsgericht Berlin zur Räumung Ohlauerstrasse
Hypocritical policies have been made over the image of the Kurdish child – -photographed like lying on the beach. He died trying to escape the war and massacre in Kobane. The governments, who caused people to flee the countries where they had lived, have started a competition over…
For Refugee Rights! – Protest in front of LaGeSo, October 7th | 3 PM
Kundgebung // Theatre // Concerts // Performances // Statements October 7th | 3 PM | #LaGeSo – Landesamt für Gesundheit und Soziales, Turmstraße 21, 10559 Berlin-Moabit The aim is to organize a gathering in front of the LAGESO as a central place, where Refugees first arrive in…
protocol #4 – forming a ‘lager mobilisation’ group in berlin
this is our 4th protocol to form a “lager mobilisation“-group in berlin and maybe later on in brandenburg. again, around 12 people were there – thanks to u all. please add, correct and criticize in the comment section. protocol #4 – forming a ‘lager mobilisation’ group in berlin…
protocol #3 – forming a ‘lager mobilisation’ group in berlin
this is our THIRD protocol to form a “lager mobilisation“-group in berlin and maybe later on in brandenburg. again, around 15 people were there – thanks to u all. please add, correct and criticize in the comment section. I. introduction II. reports from our weekly action III. idea…
Protestival in Eisenhüttenstadt, Sunday 27 Sept 2015, 11:00 – 18:00
Hello everyone! The Stop Deportation Group from Berlin is organizing a small festival for the refugees of the Eisenhüttenstadt Erstaufnahmelager. We are setting up a stage for music, theatre and speeches by long-time activists. There will also be some smaller workshops for everyone interested. Moreover, we will cook…
Refugees welcome, but… — germanwide action day
We want to show political and practical solidarity with the refugees, and therefore there should be a day when we go germanwide on the streets and our slogan / requirement is “welcome refugees, but also: Stop the war in the Middle East. Stop with the weapons production and…
Türkische Polizei belästigt eine Gruppe von MigrantInnen und Aktivistinnen an der griechischen Grenze
(English under) Die türkische Polizei griff gestern (am 21.September) eine Gruppe von Migrant_innen auf dem Weg von der Busstation in Esenler nach Edirne an und nahm 5 Personen in Gewahrsam. Von den in Gewahrsam genommenen sind 3 Personen syrische Migrant_innen und zwei weitere Personen befreundete Aktivist_innen, mit deutscher,…