Dramaturgy of safe corridor through the Balkans
The category of Border monitoring will be used to give reports about the flow of people throught the borders of the so called “Balkan route”. The route watch will mostly include borders and registration centers between Bulgaria, Macedonia, Serbia, Croatia, Hungary, Slovenia and Austria. All information will be…
DEMO All refugees welcome! Against asylum law tightening! 15.10.2015, 17 h, Potsdamer Platz
We demand for all people, regardless of which passport they possess: Freedom of movement and the right to stay! Humane lodging! Free access to education, medical care and employment! Let’s go on the streets – together, loud and angry! Against racist violence, against the government’s plan for the…
Seelow: 200 People (so called refugees) imprisoned in a Gym
The current states are absolutely inhumane already at first sight. Even some of the cots are broken and people repetitively tell: ‘They keep us worse than animals, we want to get out of here!’ and ‘We are all going mad here, people cannot sleep any longer, they spend…
protocol #5 – forming a ‘lager mobilisation’ group in berlin
this is our 5th protocol to form a “lager mobilisation”-group in berlin and maybe later on in brandenburg. again, around 19 people were there – thanks to u all. please add, correct and criticize in the comment section. protocol #5 – forming a ‘lager mobilisation’ group in berlin…
Reports about situation in Gerhart-Hauptmann-Schule (#ohlauer school)
These reports has been made some months ago about the situation in the school, in conversation with Alnour, Adam and Ulrich. They are result of a collaboration between Malene Gürgen (TAZ) and people of school. To Download the reports please click here: http://localhost/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/ohlauer-reports.zip YOU CAN‘T EVICT A MOVEMENT!…
پناهندهها خوش آمدید، ولی… — روز اعتراض سراسری آلمان
ناهجویان خوش آمدید، ولی… جنگ را در خاورمیانه تمام کنید. تولید و صادرات اسلحه را تمام کنید. اشغال اقتصادی، سیاسی و فرهنگی آفریقا را تمام کنید. سیاستهای پلیسی و نظامی را تمام کنید. عملیات ویرانگر ناتو در کشورهای ما را تمام کنید این رفراندوم ما در خیابان خواهد…
Oplatz construction political campaign > Call for support
[Deutsche Version unten] Dear all, we would like to revive the Oplatz as soon as possible and organize the construction of a boat-like-infopoint-building – to be present and visible again as a refugee movement and to have a safe space for refugee-/activists to meet, get informed, get involved…
Kundgebung // Theatre // Concerts // Performances // Statements – LaGeSo
Wednesday, 7. October, 15:00 – 20:00 Landesamt für Gesundheit und Soziales, Turmstraße 21, 10559 Berlin The aim is to organize a gathering in front of the LAGESO as a central place, where Refugees first arrive in Berlin, register and thereby start their existence as Refugees. For every simple…
Flüchtlingen helfen und dann? Discussion meeting at Mehringhof, October the 5th, at 7 p.m.
(german text below) Hello everybody, we invite initiatives and individuals to our open meeting tomorrow, Monday October the 5th, at 7PM, at Mehringhof, Gneisenaustraße 2a, in Berlin Kreuzberg. We want to discuss about the question, what comes after the big wave of solidarity shown in the last weeks…