(Possible) Enactment of EU’s policies of “slowing down” the movement flows
European’s Unions recent plans to manage the movement of people by slowing the flows at the so called ‘Balkan route‘ is apparently taking its first steps. To not enter the abstract theoretical discussions let us qoute the information posted from the Anti-racist Front Without Borders (17.11.2015), gathered by…
Offener Brief und Demo-Mobi-Einladung: WE ARE HERE AND WE WILL FIGHT FOR OUR RIGHT TO STAY
Der folgende Text wird am 19. November 2015 auf dem Refugee Schul- und Unistreik Berlin, der um 11 Uhr am Potsdamer Platz startet, an die anwesenden Schüler*innen und Studierenden verteilt. – WE ARE HERE AND WE WILL FIGHT FOR OUR RIGHT TO STAY – Hallo ihr…
‘The Refugee Crisis’ and Our Connected Histories of Colonialism and Empire
Essay by Gurminder K Bhambra, University of Warwick This essay takes into account the significance of the historical conditions created by European colonial powers that force people to migrate. Link: http://www.sicherheitspolitik-blog.de/2015/10/01/the-refugee-crisis-and-our-connected-histories-of-colonialism-and-empire/#more-7282
Open Discussion: Solidarity or Charity?
27.11.2015, Friday, 18.30 h, Maxim Gorki Theatre, Marmorsaal German/Arabic/French below Solidarity is a union or fellowship arising from common responsibilities and/or interests, as between members of a group, classes, etc.: But as political activists – what solidarity mean to us? Especially now, in times of movement of people…
protocol #10 – forming a ‘lager mobilisation network’ in berlin
this is our 10th protocol to form a “lager mobilisation network” in berlin. again, around 20 people were there – thanks to u all. please add, correct and criticize in the comment section. protocol #10 – forming a ‘lager mobilisation network’ in berlin 1. introduction of the network…
Statement der Weisekiez-Initiative zu “Willkommenskultur”, Betreiber_innenmafia und die Unterbringung von Geflüchteten im Flughafen Tempelhof
Deutsche Willkommenskultur? [AG Politischer Widerstand] Weisekiez Initiative welcomeneukoelln@web.de “Refugees Welcome” – dieser seit langem in antifaschistischen und antirassistischen Bewegungen verbreitete Slogan wird derzeit auch von den sogenannten „Volksparteien“ SPD und CDU und wirtschaftlichen Unternehmen angeeignet, um sich selbst nach außen hin als weltoffene und wohltätige deutsche Nation zu…
We are humans > Protest in front of LaGeSo
Follow on Twitter #LaGeSo The first article about protest: http://www.neues-deutschland.de/artikel/991122.fluechtlinge-protestieren-gegen-lageso.html
http://www.gorki.de/spielplan/festivals/zweiter-berliner-herbstsalon/we-will-rise/ WE WILL RISE – REFUGEE MOVEMENT Exhibition and Archive in Progress meets 2. BERLINER HERBSTSALON IN GORKI Kunst, Performance, Diskurs zum Thema Flucht und Migration Art, Performance, discourse to the topics flight and igration // Eröffnung / Opening 13. November 2015, 18 Uhr // 13. –…