Refugees need freedom, not handouts
An Essay by Political Activist Adam Bahar In this thought provoking essay Adam Bahar outlines the death of the ‘welcoming culture’ for refugees in Germany. He demonstrates how Germany has been directly responsible for supporting several dictators in the global South and how the Federal Republic is responsible…
الاجئين يحتاجون الحرية لا المساعدات
كأحد الناشطين في مجال حقوق الاجئين وكمهاجر عايشت كل الظروف التي يمر بها الاجئين القادمين الي أوربا، تدور دوما في ذهني أسئلة عاصفة لا تهدا احاول هنا ان أشارككم إياها ! هل فعلا نجد في ألمانيا في ارض الواقع تلك الشعارات التي يرددها الاعلام…
Report of Sudanese refugee’s action in Sudanese embassy in Berlin
We are eleven refugee-activists from Berlin-Oranienplatz and Hannover-Weissekreuzplatz. On November 19th 2015 we entered the Sudanese embassy in Berlin at 12pm to protest inside and to talk to the embassador about the situation in Sudan. The Sudanese embassador refused to talk to us and the staff called the…
Refugee School and University Strike Berlin against Racism, 19th of November 2015
Whether Pegida or State – burning homes are the fruits of their sowing Over 3000 students from schools and universities took to the streets to protest against racism and fascism in Germany. The rally was initially led by people from Afghanistan who in alliance with the students protested…
protocol #11 – forming a ‘lager mobilisation network’ in berlin
this is our 11th protocol to form a “lager mobilisation network” in berlin. again, around 25 people were there – thanks to u all. please add, correct and criticize in the comment section. protocol #11 – forming a ‘lager mobilisation network’ in berlin 1. introduction of the…
»ʻRefugees Welcomeʼ – und dann?« Videoreportage von “leftvision clips”
Statement von leftvision clips zur Video-Reportage …Innenansichten und kritische Perspektiven einer sich neu entdeckten “Willkommenskultur”. Auf unserer Reise über den Balkan und Österreich nach Deutschland konnten wir uns ein eigenes Bild über die Situation an Bahnhöfen und Grenzstationen machen und sind mit Aktivist*innen in Kontakt gekommen, die…
The EU is closing its borders, letting through only certain nationalities!
News from Anti-Racist Front Without Borders, gathered by the activists from the borderzones: Idomeni, Greece (Greek-Macedonian border): Today, as yesterday, only Syrians, Afghans and Iraqis are allowed to pass, everyone else is halted. Despair has started to spread among the people gathered there. Some have been in Eidomeni…
DEMO – International Resistance Against Violence Against Women! 25.November.2015
WHEN: 16:30 | 25th November 2015 START: U-Bahnhof Hermannplatz, Berlin Resistance and self-organisation: against governmental arbitrariness! More and more women are acknowledging their rights, fighting arbitrary controls and repression. against political violence More and more women are recognising that the oppression they face is systematic against employers!…
Declaration of refugee activists about the occupation of the Sudanese Embassy on November 19th 2015 in Berlin
We are Sudanese refugees and activists who have today decided to occupy our Sudanese embassy in Berlin. This is peaceful, direct political action. We are taking a stand against the Sudanese regime. The Sudanese dictator, Omar Hassan al-Bshir, rose to power in 1989 in a bloody military coup.…