„Lightworks“ – Einführung in Theorie und Praxis der Filmmontage
Am Freitag, 26. August 2016, von 10 – 17 Uhr an der HU in Berlin-Mitte. „Lightworks“ – Einführung in Theorie und Praxis der Filmmontage In diesem Workshop möchte euch Aline Bonvin die Grundlagen des Schnitts näher bringen: Wie legt man ein Schnittprojekt an, so dass man nicht…
Beyond Voluntourism and Holidarity? White German Activists on the ‘Balkanroute’ – (Self)Reflections
Some of our friends who where active in the Balkan route and in the Greece last year has wrote a self-reflection about the German activists who travelled there. Mixing the words Volunteering and Turism and also Solidarity and Holiday we come to the terms Voluntourism and Holidarity. You…
Solidarity with daily Özgür Gündem and its detained or harassed journalists
Solidarity with daily Özgür Gündem and its detained or harassed journalistsSolidarity also with Ragip Zarakolu, Asli Erdogan, Eren Keskin and Filiz KoçaliDaily Özgür Gündem, which has been shut down by court order, has been released as a special four-page edition carrying the headline “We will not give in”.…
AUFRUF ZU DEUTSCHLANDWEITEN MAHNWACHEN anlässlich der neuen „Transparenz“-Offensive der Dessauer Staatsanwaltschaft am 18.08.2016 ab 11:00 Uhr mit Brandversuchen am sächsischen Institut für Brand- und Löschforschung in Schmiedeberg, wo die Staatsanwaltschaft das Brandgeschehen nachstellen lassen will. Hintergrund: Am 26.7.2016 hat die Staatsanwaltschaft Dessau-Roßlau die Anwältinnen der Familie kurzfristig über…
U.S. Sets Stage for Libya-Like Regime Change in Eritrea, “Africa’s Cuba”
The U.S. is moving towards war against Eritrea, a fiercely independent African nation of only six million people. Washington has deployed its UN “human rights” proxies to justify another “humanitarian” military intervention, remarkably like the UN-sanctioned aggression against Libya, in 2011. The UN panel charges Eritrea with “enslaving”…
International, International Refugee Movement, LOOKA HERE!, News, Refugee-Struggle, Support/Solidarity
This was my home: Statement from the solidarity squat Ορφανοτροφείο
Please help us spread the statement of people from the solidarity squat Ορφανοτροφείο in regards to the eviction of our squat in Thessaloniki last week. Police raided and evicted the house in the early hours of Wednesday arrested the people and afterwards transported all non-European comrades to a…
TOGETHER WE STAND – UNITED WE’LL WIN TOUCH ONE – TOUCH ALL The Public Prosecution Office of Dessau is going to perform on re-enactment of the fire of January 7th, 2005 in Saxony: Date: August 18th 2016 Place: Institute of Fire – and extinguishing research, Altenberger Straße 64,…
Refugee-Migrants Political Community Meeting in Hamburg 18th and 19th of August 2016
Die Flüchtlings-Community braucht euch! English: “We are are coming to you” – The refugee community needs you! Refugee-Migrants Political Community Meeting in Hamburg on the 18th and 19th of August 2016 + Foto: http://thevoiceforum.org/node/4209Protocol of Refugee Community Meeting with activists of The VOICE Refugee Forum in Jena, Saturday,…