Spendenaufruf Non-Citizens Treffen München // Call for Donations Non-Citizens Meeting Munich
+++++english below+++++ Halloliebe Freund*innen, sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, wir, Refugee Struggle forFreedom, sind eine selbst organisierter Gruppe, die aus Non-Citizens aus verschiedenen Ländern besteht. Die verschiedenen Situationen in unserenHeimatländern waren Gründen unsere Heimat zu verlassen und Geflüchtete zuwerden. Doch hier in Deutschlandhören unsere Probleme leider nicht auf,…
Statement: Deportation is a crime. Italy and EU, stop deportations of Sudanese refugees now!
Last Thursday, 25 August 2016, Italy has started sending migrants back to Sudan on special chartered flights, with 48 suadenes refugees already deported. Sudanese and Italian authorities are working together to tackle the so-called migrant crisis. This deportation is clearly part of the cooperation between the Sudanese dictatorship…
Radio piece – Here is the story of great 150 people who passed 5 european borders – March For Freedom
Two years ago more than 150 people made a political march to pass european borders, asking for change in EU Asylum policies. They write: We decided to organize a European caravan which will go from the largest number of European countries towards Brussels (Belgium), where the European institutions…
News from Ohlauer School (We!R #13)
[mixcloud https://www.mixcloud.com/wabf_Empowerment_Radio/wer-13-news-from-ohlauer-school/ width=100% height=120 hide_cover=1 light=1][mixcloud https://www.mixcloud.com/wabf_Empowerment_Radio/news-from-ohlauer-school-wer-13-zusammenfassung-auf-deutsch/ width=100% height=120 hide_cover=1 light=1] Our guests in the studio today: Alnour, El Tayib, Amdi and Younous from the occupied school on Ohlauer Strasse in Kreuzberg. Last week the district announced again the eviction of the occupied school on Ohlauer Strasse and…
Performativer Stadtrundgang: Penduka – Wake Up! Auf dem Weg zum Manga-Bell-Platz 27/8/2016
beleuchtet nicht nur die Entstehungsgeschichte des bundesweit größten Kolonialviertels, in dem sich Deutschlands jahrzehntelanges Streben nach Weltherrschaft spiegelt. Er thematisiert auch den problematischen Umgang mit Kolonialismus und Rassismus in der Gegenwart. Der Rundgang wird von der Germanistin Dr. Marie Onana und der Spoken Word Künstlerin Lahya Aukongo durchgeführt.…
This Newspaper Is Written by Refugees, for Refugees — Vice reports about “Daily Resistance”
One Berlin-based newspaper, however, wants to change how the migrant crisis is covered in print, and it’s doing so by giving the platform to the refugees themselves. In a letter from the editors, Daily Resistance explains it’s a publication that’s “fighting against a system of politicians, media, and…
Filmabend: Concerning Violence 26.08.2016 (Fr) -20 Uhr
African liberation movements against colonialisation 26.08.2016 (Fr) – 20 Uhr – Stadtteilladen Zielona Góra, Grünberger Str. 73, Berlin-F’Hain Film: Concerning Violence, 2014, English, 89min The documentary-film combines original film-material from the african liberation movements from the 60s and 70s with extracts from Frantz Fanons “The Wretched of…