News about GHS
Today is the 19th of march. the district of kreuzberg threatened to evict us if we do not move out of the building TODAY. we think that if the district wants to really evict us in a legal way then today nothing will happen. but we do not…
District implements more police repression in ohlauerstr.
Today, Civil police and 4 police vans came throw people out of ohlauerstr. They declared the place as “Kriminalbelastet Ort”, and said that no body is allowed to stop in front of the school. They arrested one person for control reason. This happens while today the district officially…
CYG Demonstration against human rights violations in Chad مظاهرة ضد انتهاكات حقوق الإنسان في تشاد و ضد الديكتاتورية والاستغلال الرأسمالي
[wpvideo riEZVcGq]
Sign our Petition: Stop the eviction of the ohlauer school!
deutsch unten Stop the eviction of the refugees from the Gerhart-Hauptmann-Schule. We want a self-organised International Refugee Centre, not another “Lager” (refugee camp)! SIGN NOW On February 20th 2015 the residents of Gerhart-Hauptmann-Schule in Berlin, around 40 refugee activists, were given an eviction notice. In the notice the…
Demonstration against Human Rights violations in Chad Against the dictatorship and capitalist exploitation!
On the 8 th of March in N‘Djamena, the capital city of Chad, peaceful demonstrators who were fighting for their right of assembly and freedom of speech, again had to face harsh violations of human rights including police violence: humiliations, beatings and killings. While the western media has…
FREE #OHLAUER – GrüGiDa – Ich bin ein Rassist!
Lyrics: Die CSU hat´s schon geschafft Auch Tilo Sarazin hat sich aufgerafft. Pegida, ein neuer Schritt zu mehr ehrlichkeit. Monika Herrmann, wann bist du endlich dazu bereit? Ich bin ein Rassist und ich bin ehrlich. Ich sags dir ehrlich ins Gesicht. Auf meine Fahne schreib ich Grüne Partei.…
Urgent call for action against the eviction of the ohlauer school!
deutsch unten We need to act now. We need everyone to get active and be aware over the next days. Get active! An alarm system has been installed to even further restrict people’s movement The refugee activists in the school right now are living under security occupation, with…
Press release of people of school about the ongoing eviction
– Deutsch unten We, the people from Gerhart Hauptmann School resist against the brutality of the Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg District! After the District sent us an eviction notice on 20 February, threatening to kick us out on 19 March 2015, we are fighting back with legal means. 24 people from…
#Ohlauer infoevent about eviction : friday 13.3, 17uhr @ New Yorck Bethanien
13.3. Friday 17:00 Uhr New Yorck Bethanien (Berlin) Everybody who wants to know the latest situation of the ohlauer school, please come to the info event at bethanien. Here we will discuss the latest situation and try to find solutions. We will not except any longer this hypocritical…