Between Two Fires: A Migrant’s Fight for a Place in Germany
In dictatorships, where a prideful life is nonexistent and the nation’s wealth is owned and controlled by the ruler’s clique, young people suffer a suffocating atmosphere of systematic oppression for merely criticizing the regime in power. Faced with joblessness and lack of freedom of expression, some suppressed youths…
open meeting on : tuesday, 31th march at 6p.m. at Refugee-Office, Waldemarstraße 46 Hello, We are refugee activists and supporters from Berlin (Oranienplatz protest, occupied Ohlauer School). In April (probably 3rd to 24th), we want to do a bus-tour through Germany. We plan to travel in three vans (20…
Workshop für asylsuchenden Frauen / for asylum seeking women / pour femmes demandeuses d'asile
Work shop: From personal problems to political demands 11.04.15, 14°° in Potsdam-Babelsberg WE ASYLUM SEEKING WOMEN ARE FACING MANY PROBLEMS: After seeking asylum one is confronted with many documents and most of them do not make any sense to us. Sometimes it is a nightmare because the officials…
Zwangsräumung von Allmende verhindern! Donnerstag 26.3.2015 ab 19.00 Uhr
english version below! Dringend! Allmende Donnerstag 26.3.2015 ab 19.00 Uhr VV, im Anschluss Party/Essen mit offenem Ende Zwangsräumung von Allmende verhindern! Zwangsräumung von Allmende verhindern!
Demonstration and Networking Meeting/Discussion on Friday 27.03.2015: With Refugees from Schwäbisch Gmünd
Stop Abuse! Legalize the so Called “tolerated” refugees in Germany! Stop Destroying Refugees’ Perspectives! 2 pm Manifestation: Tiergartenstr. 15, 10785 Berlin – Landesvertretung Baden Württemberg 6pm Sofra – Meeting and Eating: Köpenickerstr 189, 10997 Berlin – TEK (U1 Schlesisches Tor) Refugee Tour – Solidarity Call for Civil…
Roma Gegen Abschiebung – Bleiberecht für alle! Demonstration am 24.03.2015, 14 Uhr, Hauptbahnhof Erfurt
Liebe Menschen, wir, die Gruppe Roma Thüringen laden ein zur Demonstration gegen Abschiebung und für ein Bleiberecht für Alle. Die Roma, die in Thüringen leben, wissen dass sie nach dem sogenannten Winter-Abschiebestopp fast alle von hier vertrieben werden sollen. Wir Roma leben aber hier und müssen hier bleiben!…
SPUCK AUF RECHTS #27, REFPOLK & DARLINO, "One struggle, One fight"
Darlino: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Darlin… Refpolk: https://www.facebook.com/Refpolk
Global Day Against Racism, My Right is Your Right
On saturday thousends of people came to the demonstration “My Right is Your Right” at the global day against racism. Right Is Your Right! is a campaign comprised of creative artists, activists, lawyers, refugees, church officials, unionists, clubs, neighborhood initiatives, and individuals.What connects them all is the wish…
Fire attack to #ohlauer school
Last night there was fire attack (cocktail molotov) to the school. no body got injured.