Welcome – Solidarity Message to the Refugee Protest March arrival in Nuremberg – The protest Continues in Bavaria

Refugee protestmarch 2016 München to Nürnberg-welcomeThe Protest Continues!

Welcome to Nuremberg all the way from Munich dear brothers and sisters, we couldnt all make it to this memorable ocassion of the protest march by activists and suppoters of the protest march of “Refugee Struggle for Freedom: https://refugeestruggle.org/ ” more than 200 Kilometers, which indeed is no short journey. It is astounding that some refugees in Germany are still restrained by the Residenz Pflicht (the ban of the right of movement, being locked in one village and forbidden to make a move outside of it) at this day and age. However, actions like this one bring forth the confidence that one day we shall be free from the bondage of this psychological torture and imprisonment.

In 2005, Refugee have demanding the colosure of the asylum camps in Germany and especially the Deportation camp in Fürth. We travelled in many cities in the Bavaria including Neuburg on the Donau, Landshut, Regensburg, Munich etc. declaring solidarity amongst us the refugees and the determination to realise our goals of eradicating the iniquities imposed on us. To this day, the Deportation camp in Fürth is no more, gone along with many other asylum camps all over the nation. Closed down.

“Our protests are more than 2 decades now and our resilience and resolve is unstoppable. For many years, we have shown our anger and without this, we would not have witnessed some changes although minimal in our treatment as humans. Since the defacto abolition of the 1993 rights for asylum in Germany, there have never been changes without struggles from the refugee communities. The refugee struggles built on the demand for justice cannot be completed without us the refugees and the community activists in the society. (by The VOICE Refugee Forum “http://thevoiceforum.org/node/42519

Although we still have a long way to go, let this be part of the solid disseminated motivation along with the process of improvement. It is never in vain and they know it. They hear us, they hear our voices and they know who we are. We are the refugees that know their rights and not prepared to let go of what rightfully belongs to us: TRUTH & JUSTICE. They hate to admit it, but gradually, we shall be accepted as fully created human beings with identical legitimate shares of the human rights, the atrocities shall tone down to the extent of non-existence.
Remain in solidarity brothers & sisters. Kind regards all the way from the North in Oldenburg.
Regina Mauricia Kiwanuka – Refugee-Migrants Political Community Germany

Termine Termine Termine
Kommt alle morgen zu unserer Ankunft um ca. 18 Uhr nach #Nürnberg ans Frankenstadion, von dort aus laufen wir weiter zum BAMF – Nach vielen tausend Schritten kommen wir morgen in Nürnberg an und freuen uns über alle die an der solidarischen Demonstration dort teilnehmen.
Zudem wird es die folgenden Tage verschiedene Events geben. Nur gemeinsam sind wir stark. Zeigt euch solidarisch mit unserem selbstorganisierten #refugeestruggle. Helft uns mit eurer Solidarität unsere Stimme gegen Rassismus und Ausgrenzung und für Bleiberecht lauter werden zu lassen.
Gemeinsam #wewillrise.

Für mehr Informationen schaut auf unsere Website: refugeestruggle.org