Tag: war against refugees

  • Letter from a norwegian detention center to the ‘Minister of Migration and Integration’, Sylvi Listhaug

    there’s a norwegian version further below! To the Minister of Migration and Integration, Sylvi Listhaug (postmottak@jd.dep.no) and to the Norwegian Directorate for Immigration’s Northern Region Office (rkn@udi.no) In copy: The Mayor of Sør-Varanger, Rune Rafaelsen (rurf@svk.no) The Norwegian Organization for Asylum Seekers (noas@noas.org) The municipal newspaper Sør-Varanger Avis (redaksjon@sva.no) The Director of the UNHCR bureau…

  • Sexualized violence and the recent debate in Germany

    by iwspace We women from the International Women Space won’t accept to be used by the AFD, Pegida, Bärgida, Bürgerwehr or by any other white supremacist troop of racists! The recent incidents in Köln during the new years’ eve are unacceptable. Women were sexually assaulted. The police watched and did nothing. Refugees or foreigners in…

  • Solidaritat öffnet die Grenzen‏ – Call for support für Idomeni!

    Unterstützungs-Aufruf / Call for support: „NoBorder-Train-Kitchen Idomeni” 3. Dezember 2015 Infotelephon: 0030 – 69466-50046 Liebe Freund_innen und Genoss_innen, es ist mittlerweile gut 4 Wochen her, seit wir uns an Euch mit der Bitte um Eure Unterstützung gewendet hatten. Ursprünglich um nach Slovenien zu fahren – um dort gespendetes Material (Zelte,Decken,Schlafsäcke etc ) an geflüchtete Menschen…