Tag: solidarity
The first issue of the newspaper ›Daily Resistance‹ is now out!
It is a newspaper published and written by people, so-called refugees, who don’t accept their disfranchisement by the German state. They write about their fight and share their opinions to reach out to people who are in the same situation. It will be published on a continuous basis. Read the Newspaper-PDF. (You can find the…
Callout for Balkan support conference in Göttingen
SOLIDARITY HAS NO BORDERS! Bundesweites Vernetzungstreffen für Supporter*innen, Aktivist*innen, Fluchthelfer*innen und Individuen, die auf der Balkanroute Menschen auf der Flucht unterstützen oder unterstützt haben. 13.- 14. Februar 2016 // OM10 // Göttingen Wir möchten euch Unterstützer*innen auf der Balkanroute einladen, an diesem Wochenende in Göttingen zusammenzukommen, zu erzählen, Erfahrungen auszutauschen und zu reflektieren was in…
Crowdfunding for International Refugee Conference
Crowdfunding for International Conference of Refugees & Migrants 26. – 28.2.2016, Hamburg/Germany, Kampnagel International Refugee Conference Hamburg Kampnagel 26. – 28.2.2016 fundraising clip from Margit Czenki on Vimeo. Initiator Lampedusa in Hamburg
Torture and other Abuses: Turkey, the War in Syria, and the Role of Germany
“Turkish political prisoner and torture victim, in Germany now, faces life in prison if he returns to Turkey, but Germany considers him a terrorist not entitled to asylum based on a Turkish conviction related to torture — torture that bars Germany from deporting him. On the topic of torture the nation of Turkey could teach…
Flughafen Tempelhof – Chronik eines Lagers für zur Flucht gezwungene Menschen
Invitation of the initiative No Lager Neukölln/Tempelhof to Social Café Meeting in Lunte here, available in English, Farsi, French, and German: Flyer Cafe Lunte_Weisekiezini_English, Farsi, French, German 8. Woche (7. Dezember 2015 – 13. Dezember 2015) Nachdem die Presse nach langem Ausschluss endlich Zutritt zu den Hangars des ehemaligen Tempelhofer Flughafens bekommen hat, wird die…
FREE HIKMET!!! NO DEPORTATIONS! Donations for Legal Costs Needed!
On October 9, 2015, our brother and friend HikmetPrizreni was arrested and he is threatened with deportation! On that day Hikmet, accompanied by his brother Kefaet, went on an official visit to the Immigration Authority. The Clerk asked Kefaet to wait outside and secretly called the police. Hikmet was then arrested by the police on…
»ʻRefugees Welcomeʼ – und dann?« Videoreportage von “leftvision clips”
Statement von leftvision clips zur Video-Reportage …Innenansichten und kritische Perspektiven einer sich neu entdeckten “Willkommenskultur”. Auf unserer Reise über den Balkan und Österreich nach Deutschland konnten wir uns ein eigenes Bild über die Situation an Bahnhöfen und Grenzstationen machen und sind mit Aktivist*innen in Kontakt gekommen, die eine kritische Perspektive auf die neuen Hilfsstrukturen…
Open Discussion: Solidarity or Charity?
27.11.2015, Friday, 18.30 h, Maxim Gorki Theatre, Marmorsaal German/Arabic/French below Solidarity is a union or fellowship arising from common responsibilities and/or interests, as between members of a group, classes, etc.: But as political activists – what solidarity mean to us? Especially now, in times of movement of people who cross border and (helping) ideology shows…