Tag: Schengen

  • ‘No-mans land’

    ‘No-mans land’

    In the last week(s) there has been an establishment of the ‘official corridor’ through the so called Balkan route. This intergovernmental agreement’s aim is to control the flow of people who are fleeing for a better life in Europe. Even though it may sound as an improvement, for the better fluctuation of people, it is…

  • Call for Support: Protest March to Bruxelles

      Interconnected Refugee & Migrant Movements –   Protest March against Fortress Europe!   From Strasbourg to Brussels, May and June 2014 download flyer The European council and the European ministers of foreign affairs make racist and prohibitive policies against refugees and migrants on a very high level. In reaction to the recent admitted mass…

  • Let‘s march for our freedom!

    We come from everywhere – to march from Strasbourg to Bruessels. May & June 2014 download flyer We are asylum seekers, refugees, undocumented migrants, migrants from many European countries, we are Europeans with a “migration background”, we are all those who have no full priviledge of citizenship, but also citizens who share a common anger…

  • Lasst uns für unsere Freiheit auf die Straße gehen!

    Wir kommen von überall um von Strassburg nach Brüssel zu laufen. Mai & Juni 2014 Flyer Wir sind Asylsuchende, Geflüchtete, undokumentierte Migrant_innen, Migrant_innen von vielen Europäischen Ländern, wir sind Europäer_innen mit „Migartionshintegrund“, wir sind all jene, die nicht das Privileg der Staatsbürgerschaft haben, aber auch Staatsbürger_innen die die gemeinsame Wut gegen die rassistische Migrationspolitik der…