Tag: Röszke 11

  • Ahmed H.’s trial, act two

    from Free the Röszke 11 Ahmed H.’s trial, act two – 2nd instance court decides Ahmed H.s terrorism charges need to be re-consider due to “lack of reasoning and interpretation” Two days ago, on the 15th of June 2017 in Szeged, Hungary, Ahmed H. had his second instance trial, after being sentenced to 10 years of…

  • ZINE: FREE the röszke 11 Imprisonment of Migrants and Repression against Movements in Hungary and Beyond

    from: Free Röszke 11 We published a zine about the Röszke 11, that provides an overview and gerneral analysis. It summarizes the story of the Röszke 11, the political context, and similar cases of criminalization in Greece and Luxembourg. You can download it when you click on the pdf-signs above or below. The version above…