Tag: Refugee camp
Leben im Lager? Keinen Tag länger! Demo in Brandenburg/Havel – 30/3, 15h
EN – FR – DE While the society has the chance to choose when and how they want to visit their loved ones in Corona times, the refugees living in camps have been unable to have any visits to their camps since the first wave of Corona. Visits with a negative Corona schnelltest are not…
Turkey: State paramilitaries are destroying Syrian refugees’ tent homes in İzmir
As of February 8th, refugees living in tents in the Torbalı and Bayındır districts of İzmir are being evacuated in accordance with district governorate decisions through the intervention of its gendarmerie State paramilitary force. The tent areas are being removed. Thousands of refugees, who left their countries because of the civil war in Syria, have…
Greece: Hunger Strike in Elliniko Camp in Athens
Infomobile Information with, about and for refugees in Greece On 5th February 2017, most of the adults among the 711 refugees residing in a state-run Camp in the former Athens National Airport (Camp Elliniko II), in the majority coming from Afghanistan, started a hunger strike to protest against their degrading living conditions demanding for their…
Book Launch: Living in Refugee Camps in Berlin: Women*s Perspectives and Experiences
Presentation, Reading and Discussion with authors 16.12.2016, 6pm at Werkstatt der Kulturen, seminar room 1, Wissmannstraße 32 In the summer and fall of 2015, the year that marked the beginning of what later became known as the “refugee crisis,” 1.1 million people arrived in Germany with the goal of seeking asylum. When taking a critical…
Call for Break Deportation – Refugee Camps Visit
Currently, many people come to Germany. We claim to welcome all of them as symbolized by the prevalent “Refugees Welcome”. According to German law, however, not all of those who flee their countries because of persecution, war, destruction or escaping disaster, for better living and for freedom of movement or other reasons are allowed to…
Pressemitteilung: Syrische Frau wurde aus Notunterkunft in Berlin hinausgeworfen, weil sie ihre Menschrechte einforderte
English Version Below / versión española abajo Syrian woman expelled from Berlin refugee camp for defending human rights Mujer siria expulsada de un campamento para refugiados en Berlín por exigir derechos Syrische Frau wurde aus Notunterkunft in Berlin hinausgeworfen, weil sie ihre Menschrechte einforderte Vivian ist eine junge Frau aus Syrien. Sie ist…
Eviction of the Refugee Protest Camp in Berlin
+ Camp urgently threatened by eviction + District mayor Monika Herman/Greens bears responsibility + Press conference on 25.11., 2 p.m. / Oranienplatz + Support needed! + Yesterday in the early evening the refugee camp was almost evicted by the police. The district mayor – Monika Herman/Greens – has ended the official tolerance of the protest…
PM (24.07.2013) vom Netzwerk Lager Eisenhüttenstadt – Protestierende Refugees und Unterstützer*Innen aus Berlin und Brandenburg
[english below] +++ Usman Manir aus Abschiebehaft entlassen! +++ heutiges Refugee-Camp Anmeldung durch Polizei untersagt +++ Anmeldung ab Morgen mittag bis Samstag Abend +++ Wir sind erfreut über die Entlassung von Usman Manir aus der Abschiebehaft in Eisenhüttenstadt und werten dies als Erfolg unserer kontinuierlichen Arbeit! Wir werden jedoch weiter gegen die Zustände und Verantwortlichen…