Tag: push-back

  • Grupa Granica Report Humanitarian Crisis at the Polish – Belarusian border

    Grupa-Granica-Report-Humanitarian-crisis-at-the-Polish-Belarusian-border.pdf Kryzys humanitarny na pograniczu polsko-białoruskim pdf Raport Grupy Granica


    SAVE THE DATE: Two-day fundraising and awareness-raising event at Haus der Statistik | Haus B / Otto-Braun-Straße 70–72, 10178 Berlin | | Dates: 11th & 12th December | Berlin Dear friends, since late August, the Polish-Belarusian border has been the site of a tragedy. Thousands of people have become stuck on this border, surrounded by…


    by Border Violence Monitoring Network To coincide with International Migrants Day on 18th December the Border Violence Monitoring Network (BVMN) have released a landmark publication on illegal border pushbacks. The ‘Black Book of Pushbacks’ brings together a wealth of evidence on these violations, analysing in detail the way that these brutal acts have become systematised…

  • PM zu Gedenk-Kundgebung für die 2014 von der spanischen Grenzpolizei ermordeten Migrant*innen am 6.2.

    Der 6. Februar 2014 erinnert uns an einen Tag des Trauerns und des Zorns. Mehr als 30 Migrant*innen afrikanischer Herkunft wurden von der spanischen Grenzpolizei (Guardia Civil) getötet, als sie sich den Weg zu den europäischen Küsten erkämpften. Allerdings zählt die Polizei in ihrem Bericht nur 14 Tote und eine Vermisste. Diese Handlungen verstoßen gegen…

  • Important information when crossing into Austria and anti-pushback protests in Šid (Serbia)

    Important information when crossing into Austria and anti-pushback protests in Šid (Serbia)

    Via Welcome2Europe: An Austrian police officer officially stated on the TV news which questions are being asked at the Austrian registration center in Spielfeld. 1. What is your final destination? 2. What are you planning to do there? Legal experts advice people not to go into details regarding their future plans but instead insist and…

  • Keine weiteren illegalen Rückschiebungen!

    https://vimeo.com/109091397 english below: !Keine weiteren illegalen Rückschiebungen!!! !!Stoppt die Gewalt an den Grenzen!!

  • Greek Coast Guard drowned refugees: 9 children and 3 woman died

    more information at welcome2europe The announcement of the UNHCR: “UNHCR expresses its concern for the continued loss of human lives at sea, on the occasion of the incident in Farmakonisi. A fishing boat with 28 people onboard (25 Afghans and 3 Syrians), including many women and children, was overturned and sank in the early hours…