Tag: murder
LET THEM IN! Freitag, 24.09.2021, 18:00 Uhr, Oranienplatz
Freitag, 24.09.2021 | 18:00 Uhr | Oranienplatz 10999 Berlin Anreise: U8, Bus 248 MoritzPlatz | M29 Oranienplatz | U1, U2, U3, U8 Kottbusser Tor by Coliberation Berlin Diesen Freitag organisieren wir eine Demo, um auf die grausame Situation an der östlichen EU-Grenze (Polen) aufmerksam zu machen und dagegen zu protestieren. Kommt alle und teilt unsere…
The victims of this asylum system
6th November 2016, Munich With this statement, we were going to announce dry hunger strike on 5th of November – the eviction of our protest camp forestalled this: Today I would like to share the story of a youth from Senegal with you. This youth, martyr, our brother, comrade and my cousin through blood…
TOGETHER WE STAND – UNITED WE’LL WIN TOUCH ONE – TOUCH ALL The Public Prosecution Office of Dessau is going to perform on re-enactment of the fire of January 7th, 2005 in Saxony: Date: August 18th 2016 Place: Institute of Fire – and extinguishing research, Altenberger Straße 64, 01744 Dippoldiswalde, OT Schmiedeberg Time: 11 am…
Syrian Gay Refugee Killed in İstanbul
Syrian gay refugee Muhammed Wisam Sankari has been found dead in Yenikapı district of İstanbul. Perpetrators of Sankari who was beheaded are yet to be caught. Sankari who was threatened, kidnapped by a crowded group of men and raped earlier was trying to flee to another country for his life safety. In the wake of…
Mourning and Anger! Silent Tribute to murdered Woman and her two Children / Refugees in Hamburg!
“Fire in Hamburg: Police suspects arson attack on a house for asylum seekers … At a fire on Wednesday night a 33 – year-old from Pakistan and their two sons, six and seven years old, died. More than 25 residents were injured, 15 of them are in hospitals. The fire service said, it was one…