Tag: Movement

  • Das Denkmal für die ermordeten Roma und Sinti Europas in Berlin: Kein Platz für politischen Protest, Platz für Polizeieinsatz

    Statement von alle bleiben Berlin, 24. Mai 2016. Die Polizei räumt kurz nach Mitternacht die Versammlung der Roma, die sich abends dort eingefunden hatten – um gegen ihre Abschiebungen zu protestieren und sich Bleiberechte zu erkämpfen. Familien mit teilweise sehr jungen Babys, Kindern und Jugendlichen aus Norddeutschland waren nach Berlin gekommen, damit ihre Situation von…

  • Anti Frontex Days 21-23 May 2016

    This year more than ever, we need your support to say NO to the European Union’s migration policies and criminal activities of its border control agency, Frontex. Closing borders and cutting the wealthy Europe off from the countries of South and East – plundered and kept in poverty – aims at preserving inequalities on both…

  • FREE HIKMET!!! NO DEPORTATIONS! Donations for Legal Costs Needed!

    On October 9, 2015, our brother and friend HikmetPrizreni was arrested and he is threatened with deportation! On that day Hikmet, accompanied by his brother Kefaet, went on an official visit to the Immigration Authority. The Clerk asked Kefaet to wait outside and secretly called the police. Hikmet was then arrested by the police on…

  • protocol #5 – forming a ‘lager mobilisation’ group in berlin

    this is our 5th protocol to form a “lager mobilisation”-group in berlin and maybe later on in brandenburg. again, around 19 people were there – thanks to u all. please add, correct and criticize in the comment section. protocol #5 – forming a ‘lager mobilisation’ group in berlin 1. introduction 2. weekly action + URGENT…

  • Open Letter to those who are governing Western countries (by Emmanuel Mbolela)

    Francais en bas SUBJECT: CURRENT MIGRATORY CRISIS.   Dear governors of the western world, In front of the chaotic and dramatic situation of the Syrian refugees which we bear witness to today, which adds up to many more, in particular those refugees fleeing African countries, and in front of which you have kept remarkably silent…

  • Weiterhin Soli-Unterkünfte für Refugees gesucht!

    Tausende Menschen sind in diesem Jahr bereits erzwungen obdachlos. Die Räumung des Oranienplatzes und die Teilräumung der GHS-Schule wird täglich fortgesetzt, ob direkt vor Ort oder in den Notübernachtungen, von denen die meisten nur bis Ende März geöffnet hatten. Ende letzten Jahres wurden hunderte ehemalige Oranienplatz-Bewohner_innen aus ihren Unterkünften auf die Straße gesetzt – ohne…

  • Press Statement Anti Frontex Days 2015 in Warsaw

    On May 21st, the “International Day without Papers,” migrants, activists and supporters met in Warsaw to protest against the European border policy, and in particular its military wing, the so-called security agency FRONTEX, based in the Polish capital, during its 10th anniversary celebrations. The demonstration was part of the Anti Frontex Days where activists met…

  • Greetings from Anti Frontex Days Warsaw

    Greetings from the Anti Frontex Days in Warsaw/Poland ! Today’s demonstration is organised by different international groups and activists. If you want to see in live pictures and demo of our protest actions here In Poland, see all here, start from 5 pm. Please check following pages for further information and the live stream: migracja.noblogs.org…

  • Refugee School and University Strike on April, 24th

    — english below — SCHULSTREIK | 24. APRIL | 11 UHR | ROTES RATHAUS. MAHNWACHE  | 15 UHR | EU-VERTRETUNG, Pariser Platz Eine einfache Frage: „Was ist der Unterschied zwischen 6m² und 8m²?“ 6m² … so viel steht einer*m Geflüchteten in Deutschland als Wohnraum zu. 8m² … so viel steht einem deutschen Schäferhund per Tierschutz-Verordnung…

  • Concert in solidarity with the people in the school and for organizing sleeping places

    German below: 23th of April – SO36 – 8.30 p.m. / Entrance from 7.30 p.m. Concert in solidarity with the people in the school and for organizing sleeping places for a long term solution Artists: *Dota Kehr (Kleingeldprinzessin) Duo with Jan Rohrbach *Francesco Wilking & Moritz Kraemer (Die höchste Eisenbahn) * *Danny Dziuk – solo*…