Tag: Lager
Video: Sicherheitskontrollen für Non-Citizens im Sozialamt in Chemnitz
https://www.facebook.com/AsylumSeekersMovement/videos/1198700776826428 Deutsch: Unsere Video-Reportage über die Sicherheitskontrollen in Chemnitz (Sachsen), die die Non-Citizens durchlaufen müssen. English: Our video report about security checkpoint in Chemnitz (Saxony) which Non-citizens have to pass through it.
Keine Lager – Wohnraum für alle! Demonstration gegen die Errichtung eines Massenlagers auf dem Tempelhofer Feld
English translation below. Download Flyer in English, German, Farsi, and Turkish Am Samstag, den 23. Januar 2016, wollen wir gegen den Ausbau der Lager im Flughafen Tempelhof, die Abschaffung des demokratisch beschlossenen Tempelhofer-Gesetzes, den Profit mit Geflüchteten, die katastrophalen Lebensbedingungen und vor allem gegen die Unterbringung von Menschen in Lagern an sich demonstrieren! Auftakt ist…
Statement der Weisekiez-Initiative zu “Willkommenskultur”, Betreiber_innenmafia und die Unterbringung von Geflüchteten im Flughafen Tempelhof
Deutsche Willkommenskultur? [AG Politischer Widerstand] Weisekiez Initiative welcomeneukoelln@web.de “Refugees Welcome” – dieser seit langem in antifaschistischen und antirassistischen Bewegungen verbreitete Slogan wird derzeit auch von den sogenannten „Volksparteien“ SPD und CDU und wirtschaftlichen Unternehmen angeeignet, um sich selbst nach außen hin als weltoffene und wohltätige deutsche Nation zu feiern. Doch bringen jene, die sich da…
Refugee’s investigation from the Camp Strike in Suhl – It is unacceptable to insult us and threaten our safety
Protest in Suhl: Refugee Rescued With His Cat Exposes “Dangerous And Unlivable” Conditions In German Camp http://thevoiceforum.org/node/4025 I fled from the Syria massacre to escape to Turkey. After I decided to move to Germany with my family. I do not have a large family, only my wife and my kitten. We got to take a…
Dobova lager (Croatian-Slovenian border)
[wpvideo PfLVMCzj] This video was taken in Dobova (Slovenia) a few days ago. This is not just a sole example of the mistreatment of the incoming people. The situations in camps change through days – sometimes they are empty and next day filled with new people arriving from Croatia. The situation at Šentilj/Spielfeld (Slovenian-Austrian border)…
About the refugee movement in Kreuzberg/Berlin Napuli Langa
Napuli Langa–refugee-movement-kreuzberg-berlin (pdf file). In this essay well known refugee activist Napuli Langa traces the recent history of the refugee movement in Berlin and shares some of her perspective about refugee protests. Read on…. Movements Journal für kritische migrations-und Grenzregimeforschung, 2015
protocol #5 – forming a ‘lager mobilisation’ group in berlin
this is our 5th protocol to form a “lager mobilisation”-group in berlin and maybe later on in brandenburg. again, around 19 people were there – thanks to u all. please add, correct and criticize in the comment section. protocol #5 – forming a ‘lager mobilisation’ group in berlin 1. introduction 2. weekly action + URGENT…
protocoll #1 – forming a ‘lager mobilisation’ group in berlin
this is the protocol of our first meeting to form a group for a “lager mobilisation” in berlin and hopefully later in brandenburg (lager = asylheim, unterkunft, notunterkunft, zeltunterkunft. unterbringung usw.). we announced this idea on the big general antiracist/antifascist-meeting last week at SO36 and around 15 heard our call – a big “thank u”…
Restriction instead of welcome: grand coalition decides package of measures against refugees
Translated by IWS from Pro Asyl: The federal government has agreed on Sunday in the coalition committee on a package of measures on asylum policy. Under the rubric “remove disincentives” several measures of deterrence policy of the nineties have been reactivated. On Saturday, the government had allowed with a generous gesture several thousand refugees stranded…
Bus Tour Preparation Meeting
We meet on monday 6th of april together with refugee activists from Dresden discuss and organize the bus tour. 12 o´clock in the refugee office , Waldemarstraße 46 The bus-tour takes probably place from 18th of april – 11th of may. You are welcome to join. EMAIL: bustour@riseup.net TELEPHONE: 01521 4451277 WEBSITE: www.oplatz.net …infrastructure support…