Tag: Lager
Reactions to the break out of the Lager at Osloerstr. 23
#CloseTheCamp #LagerOsloer23 After the rise up of the people living in the Lager at Osloerstr. 23 two weeks ago (link), a lot of things are happening in a very short time: the company administrating the lager, BTB Bildungszentrum, and LAF (the new LAGeSo) are really afraid about the propagation of these protests, and here we…
PRESSE-MITTEILUNG: Ausbruch aus der Notunterkunft
English | Castellano | العربية On Thursday 24.11.16, 10AM – 10PM at Osloerstr. 23-26 in Berlin-Weding: Die Bewohner*innen einer Notunterkunft in der Nähe der Osloerstr. (Wedding), inklusive Familien mit Kindern, werden am Donnerstag (24. November) aus der Sporthalle zum Protest ausbrechen und davor eine 12-stündige Strassen-Blockade starten. Der foldende Brief ist von den asylsuchenden Bewohner*innen…
Eviction day at #Bornitzstr102 : the true face of “human rights”, “democracy”, “justice” and “freedom”
Posted originally in abriraqui Yesterday night, I went to visit my friends at #Bornitzstr102, with another friend, somehow I needed to share with someone what the last 2 weeks have been for people at the Lager. When trying to get in, yesterday, the security told me, no they cannot receive visits, they are going to…
Press release about what’s happening at Bornitzstr. 102
by abriraqui Are private companies, like PeWoBe establishing how to run the Lagers of asylum seekers and refugees? Who are the real decision-makers? During 7 days, in the Lager at Bornitzstr 102 run by PeWoBE, 122 refugees are trying to avoid an eviction but there is only uncertainty. No reasons were given to it but…
Lomnava events with No Stress Tour in lagers
During the summer 2016, from june to september Lomnava band have been doing No stress tour in several lagers in and outside Berlin. We visited people and organised different events, like Workshop for kids, concerts, football and volleyball matches…In Spandau, Storkowerstr., Lichtenberg people responded in a positive way, they show big enthusiasm and they were…
Water in Tempelhof Lager
After the rain last week, water started to come into our lager in the Former Tempelhof Airport. Our rooms was quickliy filled with water. Is this life?
Aufruf zur Kundgebung am 26. Juni auf dem Tempelhofer Feld
Idomeni, Konik, Pehlivanköy, Moria, Calais, Berlin Tempelhof – rassistische Separation bekämpfen, überall!!! Kundgebung gegen Abschottung und Abschiebung 26. Juni, 16 Uhr auf dem Tempelhofer Feld, nahe dem Haupteingang Oderstraße am östlichen Ende der ehemaligen nördlichen Landebahn Acht Monate ist es nun her, seit in den Hangars des ehemaligen Tempelhofer Flughafens eine „Notunterkunft“ errichtet wurde. Der…
No Stress Tour – New Programme
“The first No-Stress-Tour” – francais en bas, deutsc weiter unten Summer is the time when lots of things are happening in Germany, also in and around Berlin. People profit of the sun, they become more active and open up. This offers opportunities, particular for refugees, to think of new strategies to build up a better…
Dramatic conditions at the emergency shelter (Notunterkunft) Osloer Straße 23-26 in Berlin
+++ deutsch unten +++ Living conditions in the emergency shelter of Osloer Straße 23-26, in Berlin, range from bad to worse. Those who live there in “transitory” manner denounce the sanitary situation and the permanent mistreatment of the employees working for the security company WISAG and BTB Bildungszentrum. These companies receive thousands of Euros per…
Video: Emergency shelter in Wiesenstraße throws out Syrian refugee woman at night
Klick HERE for the Press Release which was published few days ago. Watch the video: https://vimeo.com/154353396 International Women Space got to know Viviana when she was still living the emergency shelter (Lager) at the Wiesenstraße, in Wedding, Berlin. On te 29th of January we went to the Notunterkunft to have a coffee with Viviana and…