Tag: Lager

  • An Email from women at #Niedstr to Frau #Tomaske

    On the 27.05, the inhabitants of the Lager at Niedstr 1-2, sent to Frau Tomaske (LAF) the following complain. Until today, they didn’t receive any answer and there are no changes in this unsustainable situation. What is LAF waiting for? (Deutsch unten) Dear Frau Tomaske, In Soziale Initiative Niederlausitz e.v. Notunterkunft Neidstr 1-2 12159 Berlin,…

  • Hauptpunkte der Kritik der Lagerproteste Brienner Straße 16 / Berlin-Wilmersdorf

    Hauptpunkte der Kritik der Lagerproteste Brienner Straße 16 / Berlin-Wilmersdorf

    Seit über einer Woche haben mehr als 80 Menschen, allesamt Familien, die Bewohner*innen der Brienner Straße 16 in Berlin-Wilmersdorf, das Lager aus Protest gegen die unmenschlichen Bedingugen vor Ort verlassen. Sie entschieden sich draußen vor dem Lager zu bleiben, bis sie einen neuen Ort zum Bleiben bekommen. Die meisten Probleme des Lagers, das vom Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund…

  • No concert but info event at #Briennenstr, 24th of May at 2pm

    No concert but info event at #Briennenstr, 24th of May at 2pm

    Tomorrow, 24th of May there will be no concert, but an info event at 2pm at #Briennenstr please come and bring solidarity. More tents are needed. please bring tents.

  • Yemek Haktır / Essen ist ein Recht

    Bizler Halberstadt kampında yasayan mültecileriz. Bütün mülteci kamplarında olduğu gibi yaşadığımız bu kampta da yemekler çok kötü. Yetişkinler olarak bizler ve çocuklarımız bu yemekleri yiyememekteyiz. Dağıtılan bazı gıdaların son kullanma tarihi, verilen tarihten iki ya da üç gün sonra bitmekte. Karnımızı cocuklarımızla birlikte doyurabileceğimiz saglıklı yemekler tüketmek istiyoruz. Bu yüzden bir dilekçe yazıp yetkililere ilettik.…

  • Lager-Repressionen gehen weiter: Ein Brief aus dem MUF-Lager Wittenberger Str. 16

    Update 19. März: Fragen gestellt – Hausverbot erhalten – in die Obdachlosigkeit geschicktÜber die katastrophalen Vorgänge in der ersten Modularen Unterkunft für Geflüchtete: Wittenberger Str. 16, Marzahn Am 03. März 2017 wurde die Notunterkunft Pankstraße (Wedding) geschlossen. Alle Bewohner*innen mussten in die Wittenberger Str. 16 (Marzahn) umziehen. „12 Personen stellten Fragen, die Antwort war Hausverbot,…


    in english further below Almanya nın birçok yerinde olduğu gibi Magdeburg kentine bağlı olan Halberstadt da da bir mülteci kampı var. Şehirden ve insanlardan uzakta, ormanın ötesinde bulunan bu kampta, kampta kalan mültecilerin anlatımına göre yaklaşık 2000 kişi yaşıyor. Halberstadt mülteci kampından şehire ulaşmak istenildiğinde insanlar 45 dakika yürümek zorunda. Bu kampa gitmek için taşıma…


    text in english Kundgebung am 8. März 2017 von 12.30 – 15.00 Uhr vor dem zentralen Erstaufnahmelager (ZAST) Poststrasse 72, Eisenhüttenstadt Wer als Geflüchtete nach Brandenburg kommt, wird zuerst nach Eisenhüttenstadt ins Erstaufnahme- lager gebracht. Hier wird entschieden, ob Du überhaupt eine Chance hast, einen Asylantrag zu stellen. Hier wird über Leben und Tod entschieden.…

  • Impressions of the expert conference “Protection of Refugees against gender-based Violence”

    text in german by International Women’s Space There are two forms of violence, according to Jennifer Kamau, an activist of International Women’s Space Berlin, a political group. The first form hits people directly and comes from individuals and structures, while the second form occurs when the public looks away and stays silent. The latter is…

  • Greece: Hunger Strike in Elliniko Camp in Athens

    Infomobile Information with, about and for refugees in Greece On 5th February 2017, most of the adults among the 711 refugees residing in a state-run Camp in the former Athens National Airport (Camp Elliniko II), in the majority coming from Afghanistan, started a hunger strike to protest against their degrading living conditions demanding for their…

  • Book Launch: Living in Refugee Camps in Berlin: Women*s Perspectives and Experiences

    Presentation, Reading and Discussion with authors 16.12.2016, 6pm at Werkstatt der Kulturen, seminar room 1, Wissmannstraße 32 In the summer and fall of 2015, the year that marked the beginning of what later became known as the “refugee crisis,” 1.1 million people arrived in Germany with the goal of seeking asylum. When taking a critical…