Tag: Lager
DR #7 published!
Update (10 August): The issue has been delivered and can now be picked up in Café Karanfil! You can also download and read a digital PDF version here: The issue consists of stories, statements and testimonies of people in isolated European lagers during Corona times. Languages of the texts this time: Turkish, Arabic, Urdu, Italian,…
Daily Resistance online
The first pile of newspapers has arrived and can be read/picked up for distribution at Café Karanfil, Mahlower Str 7 in Neukölln. If we run out of stock, grab them at the We’ll come united demo in Hamburg or get hold of your copies by sending a mail to dailyresistance@systemli.org! The online PDF version of…
‘Daily Resistance’ #5 is in print!
The new issue coming with articles in many languages by Women in Exile & Friends, Justizwatch, Lager Mobilisation Network Berlin, Moving Europe, Berliner Bündnis gegen Abschiebungen nach Afghanistan, Roma Center, and many more. Grab them at the We’ll come united demo in Hamburg or get hold of your copies by sending a mail to dailyresistance@systemli.org!…
JetztRedenWir! Demonstrationszug in Ellwangen
JetztRedenWir! Eindrücke von dem Aktionstag in Ellwangen. Über 300 Menschen zeigten ihre Solidarität mit den Bewohner*innen der LEA und gingen gegen Rassismus, den Populismus der Medien, Polizeigewalt & die Kriminalisierung von Geflüchteten auf die Straße. Es wurde die ganze Zeit gerufen und gesungen: We are refugees not criminals! Stop Deportation! Bleiberecht für alle! Demonstrationszug in…
DEMO – politisch motiviert Gewalt gegen Geflüchtete in Ellwangen am 9. Mai um 17 Uhr
Wir treffen uns am Mittwoch, dem 9. Mai um 17:00 Uhr an der Ellwangener LEA Georg-Elser-Straße 2, 73479 Ellwangen (Jagst) 12:00 Mahnwache am Marktplatz Kommt vorbei, wenn ihr hören wollt, was tatsächlich passiert ist. 17:00 Kundgebung und Demonstration vor der LEA Georg-Elser-Straße 2, 73479 Ellwangen (Jagst)
Was ist in Ellwangen passiert? Ein Statement von den Geflüchteten in Ellwangen
by refugees4refugees english below Die Situation in Ellwangen begann schon vor der Razzia am vergangenen Donnerstag. Nämlich im April 2018: „Wir haben uns mit dem Leiter der LEA in Ellwangen getroffen. Wir haben ihm über unser Leben in der Unterkunft und wie die Leute sich hier fühlen erzählt, auch wegen die Duldung und Dublin regeln.“…
Statement on police brutality in the reception center in Donauwörth on 14th of March
Deutsch unten —– On Wednesday, 14th of March, police forces showed extreme brutality towards the inhabitants of the reception center and arrested at least 29 persons. This happened after a legitimate protest against an attempted deportation. The location of those who were arrested is still unclear. There was no violence against humans on the side…
Daily Resistance Monthly Editorial Meeting continues on July, 9
On July 9, 2018, the current editorial team of >Daily Resistance< will continue its new monthly meeting. It is the third in a series of social and working get-togethers that tries to bring together people who want to share their ideas about the newspaper, who want to contribute and who want to work on upcoming…
Call for Demonstration against Food Coupons in Merseburg (5th dec)
(Deutsche Übersetzung unten) ***PLEASE SHARE AND INVITE YOUR FRIENDS*** What? Demonstration against food coupons, work ban and deportations! When? 5th December 1pm Where? Merseburg Bhf (Train station) We, the group of café internationale and friends, need your support. We want to protest together against the racism of the authorities and society, especially in Sallekreis. The…