Tag: History and Roma
Endlich eine Lösung für Generationen finden: Bleiberecht für Roma in Deutschland
Bundes Roma Verband e.V. OPRE ROMA – Endlich eine Lösung für Generationen finden Petition gegen die Abschiebung von Roma ist online https://www.change.org/p/bleiberecht Gestern, am 2. August 2016, starteten wir unsere Petition gegen die Abschiebungen von Roma und für ein Bleiberecht. Das Datum hat historische Bedeutung: In der Nacht des 2. August 1944 wurden in Auschwitz-Birkenau…
80. Jahrestages the drag of the Berlin Sinti and Roma in the Nazi forced Marzahn camp
On Sunday, a memorial event marking the 80.anniversary the drag of the Berlin Sinti and Roma in the Nazi forced Marzahn camp, Petra Rosenberg and Hans Coppi found clear words for residence rights for Roma in Germany and solidarity with the Roma families and organizations, who had briefly occupied the memorial to the murdered Sinti…
First they came for the Roma: is history repeating itself for the forgotten victims of the Holocaust?
The struggle against deportation as well as discrimination and racial prejudice towards the Roma must continue!!!!!. There is no ‘safe country’ for the Roma. Read on… By Sophie McAdam ‘Laws were passed prohibiting marriage between Roma and non-Roma, and so began a horrific campaign of hatred against them which continues to this day. For 500 years…