Tag: germany

  • Save the name: Colorful Voices. A new anti-racist online magazine

    Save the name: Colorful Voices. A new anti-racist online magazine

  • European borders update, 11.3.2016

    European borders update, 11.3.2016

    By Are you Syrious?, 11.3.2016 #‎LEBANON‬: At the present, the long term international volunteers in Lebanon are coordinating centrally around a Lebanese NGO called Salam LADC (Lebanese Association for Development and Communication). Salam has strong ties with the local authorities responsible for refugees, the UNHCR, the Lebanese Military (essential permissions for visiting and distributing at…

  • EU paktiert mit der Türkei für Krieg, Ausbeutung und Kontrolle auf Kosten der Geflüchteten

    Oktober 2015: Wenige Tage vor den kritischen Wahlen in der Türkei hatte sich die Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel mit dem türkischen Ministerpräsidenten Erdoğan getroffen. Im Hinblick auf den innerstaatlichen Konflikt, durch den die politische Landschaft des Landes geprägt ist, war der Zeitpunkt des Treffens eine eklatante Unterstützung der Regierung von Erdoğan für die bevorstehenden Wahlen. Während…

  • European bordezones update

    European bordezones update

    Important: #‎WeatherAegean: United Rescue issues an IMPORTANT warning for the Aegean Sea: A huge storm is expected Saturday the 16th of January and Sunday the 17th of January which will be a thunderstorm on some of the islands accompanied by high waves. Also, snow is expected to fall on some of the islands in the…

  • Refugees need freedom, not handouts

    Refugees need freedom, not handouts

    An Essay by Political Activist Adam Bahar In this thought provoking essay Adam Bahar outlines the death of the ‘welcoming culture’ for refugees in Germany.  He demonstrates how Germany has been directly responsible for supporting several  dictators in the global South and how the Federal Republic is responsible for continuing to impose borders…. The article…

  • Important: Slovenia starts erecting barbed wire!

    Important: Slovenia starts erecting barbed wire!

    On November 10th 2015 at the ”emergency” government assembly in Slovenia Slovenian prime minister Miro Cerar announced that the government with its ministers agreed on the establishment of the barbed wire, or what they politically correct call ‘technical obstacles‘, at the Croatian-Slovenian border. He announced that since Germany and Austria are tightening their asylum systems…

  • Hungary closes its borders

    Hungary closes its borders

    On October 15 2015 Hungary finally decided to close its border passage Botovo with Croatia, where the “more formal  coridor” for the flow of people, temporary established by inter-governmental agreements, took place, changing the direction of the so called balkan route. Instead of going through Croatia to Hungary the route is redirected to Slovenia, where…

  • Stoppt Die Verschärfung des Asylrechts! Stop au durcissement du droit d‘asile! Stop the threat of tightening asylum laws!

    english below – francais si-dessus Für eine wirkliche Bleiberechtsregelung für langjährig Geduldete! Demonstration am Freitag, 5. Dezember 2014, 14 Uhr, Potsdamer Platz Die Bundesregierung wird Anfang Dezember einen Gesetzesentwurf mit dem sperrigen Titel „zur Neubestimmung des Bleiberechts und der Aufenthaltsbeendigung“ veröffentlichen. Doch die angekündigte Bleiberechtsregelung für langjährig Geduldete wird so gut wie keinem der Betroffenen…