Tag: Frontex

  • Quo vadis Frontex? – Reform, control or abolish?

    by Borderline – Europe Panel discussions on the illegal activities of the EU border agency and its glaring control deficit. Criticism of practices that violate human rights has accompanied the “European Border and Coast Guard Agency”, or “Frontex” – since its founding in 2004. From its involvement in illegal pushbacks to its cooperation with the…

  • Gedenkkundgebung für 130 Menschen, Opfer des europäischen Grenzregime im Mittelmeer, Oranienplatz, 29.April, 18.30 Uhr

    Am 22. April bekommen wir, vom Alarmphone, die Nachricht, dass 130 Menschen im Mittelmeer ertrunken sind. Wir hatten die lybische und die europäischen Küstenwachen viele Stunden im Voraus informiert. Sie haben sich geweigert zu handeln. Eine Woche später wollen wir in Wut und Trauer auf die Straße gehen, um den Ertrunkenen zu gedenken. Europe, your…

  • Demo Against Border Profiteers, 17. April, 14 Uhr

    von No Border Assembly Every day, companies are profiting from the neocolonial and racist migration regime with its borders, surveillance and deportations. The offices and headquarters of such companies can be found right in the heart of Berlin. Nevertheless, barely anyone draws attention to that, while the German government tries to disguise and hide their…

  • PM zu Gedenk-Kundgebung für die 2014 von der spanischen Grenzpolizei ermordeten Migrant*innen am 6.2.

    Der 6. Februar 2014 erinnert uns an einen Tag des Trauerns und des Zorns. Mehr als 30 Migrant*innen afrikanischer Herkunft wurden von der spanischen Grenzpolizei (Guardia Civil) getötet, als sie sich den Weg zu den europäischen Küsten erkämpften. Allerdings zählt die Polizei in ihrem Bericht nur 14 Tote und eine Vermisste. Diese Handlungen verstoßen gegen…

  • Two Month Report: ‘They want the Sea to Kill – We want a Bridge to Life!’

    More than 5,000 lives lost in the Mediterranean in 2016 and several Shipwrecks already in 2017 – Stop the Mass Dying at Europe’s maritime Gates! More than 5,000 lives lost in the Mediterranean in 2016 and several Shipwrecks already in 2017 – Stop the Mass Dying at Europe’s maritime Gates! WatchTheMed Alarm Phone 2 Month…

  • [Testimony] The symbol of the Refugee Black box: Break the silence, break deportation by Regina Mauricia Kiwanuka

    [Testimony] The symbol of the Refugee Black box: Break the silence, break deportation by Regina Mauricia Kiwanuka

    Original source: The voice forum Some say that the Africans must try and forget or accept the calamities that befell the African continent. “Stop singing colonial injustices, stop singing the slave trade slogan,” they say. We all know that these calamities have not only ravaged other lands in other continents, they have succeeded in eliminating…

  • The second issue of >Daily Resistance< is out!

    The second issue of >Daily Resistance< is out!

    Dear people from all over the world, this is the second issue of the newspaper >Daily Resistance< (Read it as a PDF)! It is written by people in the same position like you as so-called refugees who don’t accept their disfranchisement by the German state. They write about their fight and share their opinions to…

  • Anti Frontex Days 21-23 May 2016

    This year more than ever, we need your support to say NO to the European Union’s migration policies and criminal activities of its border control agency, Frontex. Closing borders and cutting the wealthy Europe off from the countries of South and East – plundered and kept in poverty – aims at preserving inequalities on both…

  • Update at the borders 5.4.2016

    Update at the borders 5.4.2016

    By Are You Syrious? #‎GENERAL‬: On Wednesday interior ministers of Germany, Austria and Switzerland met in Vienna to talk about refugees and terrorism. German interior minister Thomas de Maizière suggested to make a deal with North African countries as EU did with Turkey. “The method is right”, he said, meaning deporting illegal migrants and for…

  • The European Union is enforcing it’s borders (again)

    The European Union is enforcing it’s borders (again)

    Yesterday, 15.10.2015, late at night an Afgan refugee has been shot by the Bulgarian border control police, after 50 refugees tried to cross the border Sredets to Bulgaria from Turkey. Bulgarian Ministry of Internal Affairs is using an excuse that the refugees didn’t obey the orders to stop and even though they were not armed…