Tag: farsi
Afghan Refugees and the Deport // Seminar // Selay Ghaffar
A talk by Selay Ghafar, spokesperson for Solidarity Party of Afghanistan (in English) Time: Sunday, 11 Dec 2016, 6:30pm Address: Admiralstraße 17, 10999 Berlin, Deutschland The new contract of Afghanistan with European countries. The self organization of Afghan Refugees to fight against deportations and the tightening of Asylum Laws Organizers: Street roots Berlin Solidarity Party…
Information-Comic “Stop Deportation” is out now!
The stop deportation info comic is finished, translated, and ready to spread. You can find it in Arabic, English, Farsi, French, German, Romanes, Serbo-Croatian, Spanish and Turkish here: https://www.oplatz.net/stop-deportation The comic contains useful and important information for people under threat of deportation, but also for people supporting them. Spread it and share the link in your…
The second issue of >Daily Resistance< is out!
Dear people from all over the world, this is the second issue of the newspaper >Daily Resistance< (Read it as a PDF)! It is written by people in the same position like you as so-called refugees who don’t accept their disfranchisement by the German state. They write about their fight and share their opinions to…
War, Occupation, Refugees — Malalai Joya on war, occupation, refugees and the problematic of deportation of Afghan refugees
On the 16.4 for Dari/Farsi speakers and on the 17.4. in English. Both events will take place in K9. See flyer. Malalai Joya is one the first Afghan women who was elected as the member of the Afghan assembly for new constitution (Loya jirga) at the age of 25 and then as the representative in…
The first issue of the newspaper ›Daily Resistance‹ is now out!
It is a newspaper published and written by people, so-called refugees, who don’t accept their disfranchisement by the German state. They write about their fight and share their opinions to reach out to people who are in the same situation. It will be published on a continuous basis. Read the Newspaper-PDF. (You can find the…
فراخوان راهپیماییما همه اورانینپلاتز هستیم و اورانینپلاتز باقی خواهیم ماند
14.00 این متن فراخوانی است برای یک راهپیمایی بزرگ در روز شنبه، پانزدهم دسامبر! ما راهپیمایی را از اورانین پلاتز آغاز خواهیم کرد و از آنجا همه با هم به الکساندرپلاتز خواهیم رفت که دفترکار فرانک هنکل، سناتور امور داخلی [ایالت برلین] آنجا قرار دارد. ما شب را آنجا به صبح خواهیم رساند تا اولتیماتوم…
Refugees Welcome – Demo am 19.11. in Rostock
Refugees welcome – solidarity with refugees! Right wing action rises again in Germany… Aufruf auf deutsch, Appel à manifester, احضار Similar to 20 years ago we have constate racist agitation everywhere in Germany. Not only the NPD but also racist groups and civil initiatives agitate against giving refugees a place to live in their neigbourhood.…
Aufruf zur Demo der Geflüchteten in Bitterfeld am 1. August 2013 um 10:30
english, farsi, arabic, frensh below!!! Wir Flüchtlinge im Landkreis Bitterfeld werden gezwungen in isolierten Lagern zu wohnen, die mitten im Wald, fernab von Einkaufmöglichkeiten, Ärzten und sonstigen Orten gesellschaftlichen Lebens liegen. Die Situation in den Lagern ist sehr schlecht. Die Zimmer sind klein und überbelegt. Die Küchengeräte, Toiletten und Bäder sind kaputt oder zu wenige.…
Demonstration in Köln am Sonntag, 16.Dezember 2012 14 Uhr, Friesenplatz Köln
aufruf deutsch / call english français türkçe فارسی Kaum steigt in diesem Herbst die Zahl von Asylbewerber_innen aus Notstandsgebieten in Deutschland auch nur leicht an, greifen die altbekannten öffentlichen Reflexe von Diskriminierung, Hetze, Krisen-Szenarios, Abwehr und beschleunigter Abschiebung. Das können wir nicht hinnehmen.