Tag: externalization
Videokundgebungen gegen die G20-Afrika-Partnerschaftskonferenz am 26.5. und 9.6.
Videokundgebungen auf dem Oranienplatz – umsonst und draußen Gegen die G20-Afrika-Partnerschaftskonferenz! Für globale Bewegungsfreiheit und selbstbestimmte Entwicklung! Freitag, 26. Mai, 20:30 Uhr „Zu reich für den Frieden – Raubbau im Kongo“. Der Kongo ist ein Land reich an Rohstoffen. Doch er gehört zu den ärmsten afrikanischen Ländern, denn die Rohstoffe werden entweder von Drittländern ausgebeutet…
European Borders update 15.4.2016. Greece starts rejecting people as Turkey labeled ‘safe third country’
TURKEY: Up to 30.000 refugees started heading to Turkey during the last 48 hours, Spiegel Online reports based on the information provided by the volunteers. This follows several attacks by IS at refugee camps in Northern Syria. However, Turkey refuses to let them to cross the border. As already known, Turkey is building a 911km…
Update at the borders 5.4.2016
By Are You Syrious? #GENERAL: On Wednesday interior ministers of Germany, Austria and Switzerland met in Vienna to talk about refugees and terrorism. German interior minister Thomas de Maizière suggested to make a deal with North African countries as EU did with Turkey. “The method is right”, he said, meaning deporting illegal migrants and for…
(Possible) Enactment of EU’s policies of “slowing down” the movement flows
European’s Unions recent plans to manage the movement of people by slowing the flows at the so called ‘Balkan route‘ is apparently taking its first steps. To not enter the abstract theoretical discussions let us qoute the information posted from the Anti-racist Front Without Borders (17.11.2015), gathered by the activists and volunteers at the borders:…
Reestablishing state of exception in the EU and a call for international meeting, manifestation and solidarity action in Slovenia
#Rigonce 21.10.2015 In the last week, since the Hungary closed its borders, Slovenia became the ‘new hotspot’ for the so called Balkan route, where people, who traveled from Serbia or Croatia to Hungary, were forced to change their direction of traveling to their desired situations. In the last post we talked about the hypocrisy of…
The construction of the European Union’s immigration system
These days it is getting obvious that the European Union, a supranational entity supposedly built on the values of freedom and peace, is putting a stamp on it’s mostly non-existant immigration and asylum system. That the European leaders selectively apply such values only for the economic and political elites is nothing new. New and surprising…