Tag: expulsion
BERLİN’DE 200 MÜLTECİ SOKAĞA ATILDI – 200 Flüchtlinge in Berlin auf die Straße gesetzt
– auf deutsch weiter unten – – in english further below – BERLİN’DE 200 MÜLTECİ SOKAĞA ATILDI Son birkaç gündür, daha önce senatonun “Oranienplatz’daki direniş çadırlarını yıkın, size kalacak yer vereceğiz daha sonra da oturum vereceğiz” yazılı sahte vaatlerin yazılı olduğu kağıdı imzalayen mültecilerin tamamı polis zoruyla sokağa atılıyor.
Common declaration against the expulsion of 100 refugees out of their shelters at short notice
Declaration against the expulsion of 100 refugees out of their shelters onto the street by Berlin Government. The expulsion came by surprise at short notice, one day in advance. The statement is signed by various cultural institutions of the town, including one of the big state theatres, Maxim Gorki Theatre.
From Badra to the demonstrators
in english below… De Badra à ses camarades qui manifestèrent le 5 août 2014 pour sa libération et contre son expulsion: Je suis content que vous manifestiez contre ma déportation. Cette manifestation a été évoquée par moi mais elle est pour tous les réfugiés. Je vous souhaite de prendre encore plus de courage, vous qui soutenez…