Tag: exhibition
Open Discussion: Solidarity or Charity?
27.11.2015, Friday, 18.30 h, Maxim Gorki Theatre, Marmorsaal German/Arabic/French below Solidarity is a union or fellowship arising from common responsibilities and/or interests, as between members of a group, classes, etc.: But as political activists – what solidarity mean to us? Especially now, in times of movement of people who cross border and (helping) ideology shows…
UNFRAMED FESTIVAL in Berlin: 14-15. November 2015
UNFRAMED FESTIVAL IN BERLIN-NEUKÖLLN 14-15th november 2015 FROM HUMANS TO HUMANITY / ALL EVENTS ARE FREE AND THE DOORS ARE OPEN TO ALL Donations for the artists are welcome. من البشر إلى البشرية اجمع / الدعوة لكل الفعاليات مجانا والأبواب مفتوحة للجميع نرحب بالتبرعات للفنانين Full festival program now online! www.unframedfestival.de unframedproject@gmail.com Facbook-Event – newest…
WE WILL RISE Finissage in Kreuzberg Museum
30. October 2015, 14 – 23 h, Friedrichshain Kreuzberg Museum, Adalbertstraße 95A (Kotti)