Tag: english
Press Statement Anti Frontex Days 2015 in Warsaw
On May 21st, the “International Day without Papers,” migrants, activists and supporters met in Warsaw to protest against the European border policy, and in particular its military wing, the so-called security agency FRONTEX, based in the Polish capital, during its 10th anniversary celebrations. The demonstration was part of the Anti Frontex Days where activists met…
Greetings from Anti Frontex Days Warsaw
Greetings from the Anti Frontex Days in Warsaw/Poland ! Today’s demonstration is organised by different international groups and activists. If you want to see in live pictures and demo of our protest actions here In Poland, see all here, start from 5 pm. Please check following pages for further information and the live stream: migracja.noblogs.org…
Semaine d’action contre les politiques migratoires européennes //// Week of action against european migratory policies- Press release
english below…. ……………………………. Communiqué de presse – 19 mai 2015 Semaine d’action contre les politiques migratoires européennes Week of action against european migratory policies « Pour la justice sociale et la liberté de circulation et d’installation pour toutes et tous » « For Social justice and freedom of circulation and settlement for all » La Coalition Internationale des sans-papiers,…
Refugee School and University Strike on April, 24th
— english below — SCHULSTREIK | 24. APRIL | 11 UHR | ROTES RATHAUS. MAHNWACHE | 15 UHR | EU-VERTRETUNG, Pariser Platz Eine einfache Frage: „Was ist der Unterschied zwischen 6m² und 8m²?“ 6m² … so viel steht einer*m Geflüchteten in Deutschland als Wohnraum zu. 8m² … so viel steht einem deutschen Schäferhund per Tierschutz-Verordnung…
Concert in solidarity with the people in the school and for organizing sleeping places
German below: 23th of April – SO36 – 8.30 p.m. / Entrance from 7.30 p.m. Concert in solidarity with the people in the school and for organizing sleeping places for a long term solution Artists: *Dota Kehr (Kleingeldprinzessin) Duo with Jan Rohrbach *Francesco Wilking & Moritz Kraemer (Die höchste Eisenbahn) * *Danny Dziuk – solo*…
Anti Frontex Days 19-22 may, 2015
On May, 21st, 2015 the crème de la crème of European racism will gather in Warsaw, Poland, to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the creation of one of the most influential meta-organisations that guards assets of the Fortress Europe. The organization, not widely known, until recently standing in the shadows, is a hybrid of border…
Bus Tour Preparation Meeting
We meet on monday 6th of april together with refugee activists from Dresden discuss and organize the bus tour. 12 o´clock in the refugee office , Waldemarstraße 46 The bus-tour takes probably place from 18th of april – 11th of may. You are welcome to join. EMAIL: bustour@riseup.net TELEPHONE: 01521 4451277 WEBSITE: www.oplatz.net …infrastructure support…
Press Release of the Campaign "My Right Is Your Right"
Press Conference for the Campaign and Demonstration Wednesday, 18.03.2015 at 11:00am – Studio Я of the Maxim Gorki Theater The campaign My Right Is Your Right! invites you on Saturday, 21.03.2015 at 1:00 pm to a large demonstration at Spreewaldplatz in Berlin in coordination with the International Day against Racism. For more than…
Soli-Unterkünfte für Refugee-Bewegung gesucht!
Bitte meldet Euch wenn Ihr Unterkünfte anbieten könnt: schlafplatzorga@gmail.com Infopoint-Telefon Oranienplatz: 0176/ 37325499 (bei AB rufen wir zurück) Zur Vermittlung von Unterkünften sind täglich zwischen 18 und 20 Uhr Personen am Oranienplatz. —English below Die Räumung des Oranienplatzes wird täglich fortgesetzt, nur an anderen Orten. Am 17.12. wurden elf Geflüchtete morgens aus ihren Unterkünften…
The Refugee Conference
Our three days long refugee conference came to an end. The most important aspect of this conference was that from beginning to end, all its planning and organization were all under the initiative of refugees. Compared to our previous conference, the number of refugees in the total number of participants was significantly higher. However the…