Tag: english


    Border Watch: Cultures of Immigration, Detention and Control (Anthropology, Culture and Society) by Alexandra Hall  (Pluto Press: London and New York, 2012).  This book takes an inside look into detention centres and describes in detail everyday encounters  between immigrant/detention  officials and immigrants. Please click here for the  review of this critical book.

  • FREE HIKMET!!! NO DEPORTATIONS! Donations for Legal Costs Needed!

    On October 9, 2015, our brother and friend HikmetPrizreni was arrested and he is threatened with deportation! On that day Hikmet, accompanied by his brother Kefaet, went on an official visit to the Immigration Authority. The Clerk asked Kefaet to wait outside and secretly called the police. Hikmet was then arrested by the police on…

  • Invitation to join and support the Refugee School and University Strike

    JOIN THE REFUGEE SCHOOL- AND UNIVERSITY STRIKE: BERLIN: Thursday the 19th of November at 11:00 //Potsdamer Platz # eine Zusammenfassung auf Deutsch findet ihr weiter unten # un résumé en français peut être trouvé ci-dessous Dearest friends, on thursday the 19th of November at 11am at Potsdamer Platz, we will realize the fourth Refugee School…

  • Mumia Abu-Jamal on Oury Jalloh in 2007

    Death in Cell # 5 [Column written 03/04/07] © 2007 Mumia Abu-Jamal A Sierra Leonean refugee named Oury Jalloh burned to death in Cell No. 5 in the city of Dessau, Germany. The Date: January 7, 2005. Police at the station have called it a simple case of suicide. His friends and fellows have raised serious…

  • FREE HIKMET! Fight for Hikmet’s right to live in Germany

    English Below alle bleiben! uploaded a new video: “FREIHEIT und Bleiberecht für HIKMET” Am 09.10.2015 wurde unser Bruder und Freund Hikmet Prizreni verhaftet und ihm droht die Abschiebung! Als Hikmet seinen Bruder Kefaet zu einem Amtsbesuch begleitete, bat ihn die Sachbearbeiterin kurz vor der Tür zu warten und verständigte insgeheim die Polizei. Hikmet wurde daraufhin…

  • The Refugee Guide Berlin is out!

    The Refugee Guide Berlin is out!

    The Sleeping Place Orga Group has just created a print and digital version of the Refugee Guide Berlin in English. About: This booklet is made for you – refugees living in Berlin, with or without papers, especially for those, who have just arrived and need some orientation. It will help you to get information on…

  • Start of the Basketball Beats Community Season (U12 / U14)

    The season begins this weekend and it should be rather interesting. We have some good teams and dedicated coaches. This Sunday the 20th we have two home games. U 12 game starts at 10, the u 14 game starts at 12 We plan to take a group  photo after the u 14 game Come a…

  • Open Letter to those who are governing Western countries (by Emmanuel Mbolela)

    Francais en bas SUBJECT: CURRENT MIGRATORY CRISIS.   Dear governors of the western world, In front of the chaotic and dramatic situation of the Syrian refugees which we bear witness to today, which adds up to many more, in particular those refugees fleeing African countries, and in front of which you have kept remarkably silent…

  • State of emergency in Lageso in Moabit

    Hundred of refugees wait in Turmstraße (Moabit) for their permission documents to an accommodation place. The people are told to do not leave the waiting queue – they must stay there all the time, including their children. Water and food supply is low, it lacks water bottles (there is only one water tap while temperatures…

  • Invitation for open meeting of the alliance for unconditional right to stay on June, 8th at 6.30 pm

    Francais en bas English below   Einladung für alle Offenes Treffen des Bündnises für bedingungsloses Bleiberecht – Jede_r hat die Möglichkeit, etwas zu verändern! Die bundesweite Aktionswoche vom 13.04. bis 18.04.2015 und die Konzertkundgebung am 18.04., hat der Asylrechtsverschärfung zu mehr Wahrnehmbarkeit verholfen, auch medial, aber wir wünschen uns mehr…und dafür brauchen wir eure Hilfe.