Tag: english
RIGHT TO STAY for ALL instead of opportunity trap!
Info event: 04 October 2022 | 6 pm | 2. HH – MehringHof – Gneisenaustr. 2a – 10961 BerlinOn the podium: Berenice Böhlo (Migration law Lawyer)Bruno Watara (activist, R.w.A.)Asylum counsellor, KuB: requested Rally: Fr, 7 October 2022 | 4pm | Bundestag The federal government aims to implement its migration and refugee policy promises in the…
O-Platz wird 10 – Baustelle Migration (5.10. – 9.10.22)
Vor 10 Jahren wurde der Kreuzberger Oranienplatz und später dann auch die Gerhart-Hauptmann-Schule in der Ohlauer Straße besetzt. Anlässlich dieses Jubiläums wollen wir uns vom 5.10. – 9.10. auf dem Oranienplatz versammeln und die Geschichte der rebellischen Geflüchteten-Bewegung feiern.
Daily Resistance Assembly #3, November 24
DAILY RESISTANCE ASSEMBLY24 November 2021 – from 7 pm at Café Karanfil (Weisestr. 3, Neukölln/U-Bahn Boddinstr.) With the third assembly we invite you to join and contribute to the newspaper Daily Resistance. At the Assembly we will introduce the work of the newspaper: How are we organised? What are our tasks? Who do we want…
Waiting sentence
Uncertainty is an emotion that amplifies during a pandemic. This is a written text on my experience with the asylum process in Germany. Living in exile and reminiscent of memories. A deteriorating sense of self that the waiting game produces. I have been in my asylum process for 24 months, that is still ongoing. I…
Commemoration rally for the deceased due to the European border regime on 15 October at Oranienplatz
GEDENKKUNDGEBUNG – COMMEMORATIONFriday, 15 October at 16:00, Oranienplatz, Berlin-Kreuzberg https://www.facebook.com/events/388215709515081?ref=newsfeed Am 15.10.2021, 16:00 Uhr, Oranienplatz, wollen wir wie jedes Jahr allen Menschen gedenken, die durch das europäische Grenzregime ihr Leben verloren haben. Kommt zahlreich, bringt gerne Blumen und eure persönlichen Gedenkmomente mit. On 15/10/2021, 16:00, Oranienplatz, we want to commemorate, as we do every year,…
Freedom to move, freedom to stay! Rally in front of BAMF, 6 September, 13h
The asylum-seeking population is mostly affected by the lack of opportunities, by the limitations of the state and its structures. Their integrity, their identity, their lives are in mortal danger where they come from and when they arrive here they are met with indifferent and inhumane treatment by the BAMF and the Ausländerbehörde. These institutions…
After six days of protest the district provided a favorable response and met almost all of our demands. The document is now under Napuli’s name. Now it’s possible to establish an info-point again which is allowed to be as big as 7 x 11 meters. The document states that “the info-point can be used as…
Daily Resistance #9 is out!
Dear friends* and comrades*, half a year after the last issue, we have managed to compile, translate and design a new issue. 10 pages strong, it comes as always in numerous languages (Farsi, Arabic, French, German, English, Turkish, Spanish). This time, many articles explore the repression and difficulties people have to endure in lagers, but…
COVID-19: No one is safe until All are protected!
Open Letter from the Transbalkan Solidarity Group Currently there are tens of thousands of refugees and other migrants in the Balkans. Some of them are accommodated in official collective centers, while a large number of people fall outside the system, surviving through the help of the local population and support provided to them by volunteers…
Daily Resistance #8 is out!
10 pages of stories, statements and testimonies in Turkish, Greek, Urdu, Italian, Russian, English, Farsi, German, and French. The articles will be subsequently published here as single posts in the upcoming weeks. The PDF version can be read and downloaded down below You can order printed copies from January 16th by writing to: dailyresistance@systemli.org