Tag: detention

  • Tutuklu Gazeteci Gabriele Del Grande İçin Dayanışma Eylemi// Solidaritätsaktion für den inhaftierten Journalisten Gabriele Del Grande

    (deutsch unten) 20 Nisan 2017 saat 19’da Berlin-Kreuzberg-Kottbussertor’da, Türkiye’de gözaltına alınan İtalyan gaeteci Gabriele Del Grande için bir dayanışma eylemi gerçekleştirildi. Dayanışma eylemi Mülteci Hareketi ve Antifaşistler tarafından organize edildi. Eylemciler değişik dillerde “Hepimiz Gabrieleyiz”, “Gazetecilere Özgürlük” yazılı dövizler taşıdılar. Gabriele Del Grande, hazırlamakta olduğu kitabı için röportaj yapmak üzere Türkiye’de bulunuyordu. Suriye savaşından kaçan…

  • #RefugeesSRB We Are Still in #Serbia

    Posted on April 16, 2017 by Enough is Enough! We are still in Belgrade. One of us joined the Cars Of Hope Wuppertal team, who are working with refugees and support the Soul Welders projects in the Serbian capital. Another short impression from Belgrade. Written by Riot Turtle Solidarity not charity! The situation in Belgrade changed…

  • Widerstand gegen die Abschiebemaschinerie, Knäste und Grenzzäune

    Hallo Genoss*innen, am 21. Februar 2016 (1) sind zehn Geflüchtete aus verschiedenen Ländern im Abschiebeknast in Mühldorf am Inn, eine kleine Stadt in der Nähe von München, in den Hungerstreik getreten, weil ihnen gegen ihre Abschiebung kein anderes Mittel blieb. Allerdings wurde ihr Protest von Medien und Politik mit Ignoranz beantwortet.Aus politischer Solidarität und als…

  • Urgent help needed to stop deportations to Sudan

    Amnesty International is mobilizing against the deportation of two people arrested in Calais on 25th of October during the destruction of the shantytown to Sudan and flights  scheduled  to Khartoum (see here and there). A presentation of their situation and a campaign via twitter are online here: https://www.amnesty.fr/refugies-et-migrants/actualites/france-deux-personnes-bientot-renvoyes-dans-un-pays Amnesty International also asks people to contact…

  • Demonstration “Free the Röszke 11 – Solidarity with Ahmad and all of the accused

    Friday, October 28 // 7:00 PM / 19.00 o´clock Unter den Linden 76 (close to the Hungarian embassy) // Berlin After the hungarian government closed their borders to migrants in September ’15 people started a protest at the border crossing Roeszke which got trapped by police. They caught 11 persons who couldn’t come away fast…

  • Solidarity with daily Özgür Gündem and its detained or harassed journalists

    Solidarity with daily Özgür Gündem  and its detained or harassed journalistsSolidarity also with Ragip Zarakolu, Asli Erdogan, Eren Keskin and Filiz KoçaliDaily Özgür Gündem, which has been shut down by court order, has been released as a special four-page edition carrying the headline “We will not give in”. The daily, published in solidarity, appeared in…



    AUFRUF ZU DEUTSCHLANDWEITEN MAHNWACHEN anlässlich der neuen „Transparenz“-Offensive der Dessauer Staatsanwaltschaft am 18.08.2016 ab 11:00 Uhr mit Brandversuchen am sächsischen Institut für Brand- und Löschforschung in Schmiedeberg, wo die Staatsanwaltschaft das Brandgeschehen nachstellen lassen will. Hintergrund: Am 26.7.2016 hat die Staatsanwaltschaft Dessau-Roßlau die Anwältinnen der Familie kurzfristig über die geplante Durchführung eines Brandversuches am 18.8.2016…

  • Detention news from Bavaria

    (english) (deutsch weiter unten) Activist of Refugee Struggle for Freedom released after 56 days in prison! / Another activist detained! / In Mühldorf deportation prison still one refugee in hungerstrike! On Monday, 29.02.2016 Ali A., an activist of the Refugee Struggle for Freedom was released from jail. Two days later, on 02.03.2016 another activist of…

  • Letter from a norwegian detention center to the ‘Minister of Migration and Integration’, Sylvi Listhaug

    there’s a norwegian version further below! To the Minister of Migration and Integration, Sylvi Listhaug (postmottak@jd.dep.no) and to the Norwegian Directorate for Immigration’s Northern Region Office (rkn@udi.no) In copy: The Mayor of Sør-Varanger, Rune Rafaelsen (rurf@svk.no) The Norwegian Organization for Asylum Seekers (noas@noas.org) The municipal newspaper Sør-Varanger Avis (redaksjon@sva.no) The Director of the UNHCR bureau…

  • Israel: Refugee Marches for Freedom and Mass Demonstrations

    Indeed, we are going through some intensive days… the trigger that started all this is the amendments of the anti infiltration bill (adopted by the government in respond to the supreme court ruling in September 2013) changing the policy from detaining the asylum seekers in prison to detaining them in an “open facility”. the open…