Tag: Calais
Urgent help needed to stop deportations to Sudan
Amnesty International is mobilizing against the deportation of two people arrested in Calais on 25th of October during the destruction of the shantytown to Sudan and flights scheduled to Khartoum (see here and there). A presentation of their situation and a campaign via twitter are online here: https://www.amnesty.fr/refugies-et-migrants/actualites/france-deux-personnes-bientot-renvoyes-dans-un-pays Amnesty International also asks people to contact…
Professor launches course for Calais ‘Jungle’ camp refugees
Settlers will study course on ‘life stories’ led by University of East London academic Refugees will study for a three-day accredited course on life stories, was taught by a small team of academics in the camp (4-6 December). It was be led by Corinne Squire, professor of social sciences and co-director of the Centre for…