Tag: Berlin

  • The Refugee Guide Berlin is out!

    The Refugee Guide Berlin is out!

    The Sleeping Place Orga Group has just created a print and digital version of the Refugee Guide Berlin in English. About: This booklet is made for you – refugees living in Berlin, with or without papers, especially for those, who have just arrived and need some orientation. It will help you to get information on…

  • protocol #5 – forming a ‘lager mobilisation’ group in berlin

    this is our 5th protocol to form a “lager mobilisation”-group in berlin and maybe later on in brandenburg. again, around 19 people were there – thanks to u all. please add, correct and criticize in the comment section. protocol #5 – forming a ‘lager mobilisation’ group in berlin 1. introduction 2. weekly action + URGENT…

  • Festival against Racism/ Festival gegen Rassismus – 2015 (photos)

    “Selbstbestimmt kämpfen, solidarisch vernetzen!” “Fight autonomously, network for solidarity!” 4.-6. September at Blücherplatz in Berlin-Kreuzberg

  • State of emergency in Lageso in Moabit

    Hundred of refugees wait in Turmstraße (Moabit) for their permission documents to an accommodation place. The people are told to do not leave the waiting queue – they must stay there all the time, including their children. Water and food supply is low, it lacks water bottles (there is only one water tap while temperatures…

  • Crowdfunding campaign for “Festival against racism 2015”

    Crowdfunding campaign for “Festival against racism 2015”

    Supportet Festival gegen Rassismus und macht mit bei Crowdfunding Kampagne! Es wird Geld benötigt für unglaublich wichtige und tolle Dinge wie: ++ Druckkosten ++ Zelte ++ Toilettenwagen ++ Fahrtkosten ++ Veranstaltungstechnik ++ Bühne ++ Benzin ++ Müllcontainer

  • Refugee School and University Strike on April, 24th

    — english below — SCHULSTREIK | 24. APRIL | 11 UHR | ROTES RATHAUS. MAHNWACHE  | 15 UHR | EU-VERTRETUNG, Pariser Platz Eine einfache Frage: „Was ist der Unterschied zwischen 6m² und 8m²?“ 6m² … so viel steht einer*m Geflüchteten in Deutschland als Wohnraum zu. 8m² … so viel steht einem deutschen Schäferhund per Tierschutz-Verordnung…

  • Concert in solidarity with the people in the school and for organizing sleeping places

    German below: 23th of April – SO36 – 8.30 p.m. / Entrance from 7.30 p.m. Concert in solidarity with the people in the school and for organizing sleeping places for a long term solution Artists: *Dota Kehr (Kleingeldprinzessin) Duo with Jan Rohrbach *Francesco Wilking & Moritz Kraemer (Die höchste Eisenbahn) * *Danny Dziuk – solo*…

  • Anti-capitalist demonstration

    Organize – against racism and social exclusion April, 30th 2015 6:30 pm Metro station Leopoldplatz (Berlin) Organize – against racism and social exclusion! The city belongs to all of us! Everyone in Berlin creates the city as we know it. Every day we shape and build our homes, our streets, our neighborhoods. Everyone in her…

  • Global Day Against Racism, My Right is Your Right

    On saturday thousends of people came to the demonstration “My Right is Your Right” at the global day against racism. Right Is Your Right! is a campaign comprised of creative artists, activists, lawyers, refugees, church officials, unionists, clubs, neighborhood initiatives, and individuals.What connects them all is the wish for a stronger political intervention in Berliner…