Tag: Berlin
At Brienner Str Lager, people have said enough is enough #Berlin #LMG
In the last days, the life in the Lager at Brienner Str. 16, 10713 Berlin, has become unsustainable. Is well known that the conditions of the lagers of Berlin are always bad, there are always with problems with health, food, mistreatment of security hired by the responsible of the lager, hygienem, etc… Now in lager…
Join the protest in front of the lager in Briennerstr
Hi, some people don’t wanna come back to their camp and thay strike in front of it. They are single and family and they need some tents and … The adress is : Brienner Str. 16, 10713 Berlin According to the photos, there appears to be huge bed bug problem. We were told that they…
DEMO against the bloody Dictatorship of Idriss Deby / October 11th, 2016, Berlin
We, the Chad Youth in Germany, wish to protest against the visit of the Chadian dictator Idriss Deby in Germany because this tyrant represses his people. We urge the leaders of Germany not to be complacent with the dictator Deby who does not respect any democratic principle and values. For 26 years, he has monopolized…
The second issue of >Daily Resistance< is out!
Dear people from all over the world, this is the second issue of the newspaper >Daily Resistance< (Read it as a PDF)! It is written by people in the same position like you as so-called refugees who don’t accept their disfranchisement by the German state. They write about their fight and share their opinions to…
Youth against Racism: Call for Plenum and Demonstration against Deportation Treaties in Berlin
[English] Open Plenum – DEMONSTRATION AGAINST DEPORTATION TREATIES | 09.07. in Berlin Due to the EU-Turkey deal the way for refugees via Turkey towards Europe is blocked. Turkey receives six billion Euros, to shut down the borders and to keep refugees in camps under conditions of forced labor. Now De Maizère and Merkel propose a…
Das Denkmal für die ermordeten Roma und Sinti Europas in Berlin: Kein Platz für politischen Protest, Platz für Polizeieinsatz
Statement von alle bleiben Berlin, 24. Mai 2016. Die Polizei räumt kurz nach Mitternacht die Versammlung der Roma, die sich abends dort eingefunden hatten – um gegen ihre Abschiebungen zu protestieren und sich Bleiberechte zu erkämpfen. Familien mit teilweise sehr jungen Babys, Kindern und Jugendlichen aus Norddeutschland waren nach Berlin gekommen, damit ihre Situation von…
LOOKA HERE! Magazine, Edition No. 11 (digital version) out now!
(to read the magazine as a PDF, please click on the cover)
Roma Days Pressekonferenz
Update: Das Video der Pressekonferenz vom 23. Mai Kurzfristig Pressekonferenz am Montag, den 23. Mai um 11 Uhr am Denkmal für die im Nationalsozialismus ermordeten Roma und Sinti Europas, Simsonweg. Die Pressekonferenz findet trotz der nächtlichen Räumung wie angekündigt statt. Wir kämpfen gegen unsere Abschiebungen und bleiben solange, bis unsere Forderung nach Bleiberecht Gehör gefunden…