Tag: Berlin

  • O-Platz lebt! Stand together – for refugee, migrant rights and climate justice

    O-Platz lebt! Stand together – for refugee, migrant rights and climate justice

    Protest camp 1st-31st of March 2025 O-Platz lebt! Stand together – for refugee, migrant rights and climate justice Protest camp 1st-31st of March 2025 We come together at O-Platz in March 2025 to fight for the rights of refugees, migrants and climate justice. We see this month as an opportunity to make our struggle visible…

  • Journée Des Migrants Africains, 28 Septembre à O-Platz

    Chers citoyens du monde entier! Nous vous invitons un grand événement qui aura lieu cette année à berlin. En effet nous sommes des milliers de personnes qui vivons hors de nos pays. Et c’est pour cela que nous avons mis sur pied #LA_JOURNÉE_DES_MIGRANTS_AFRICAIN qui aura lieu le samedi 28 septembre à Berlin précisément à 📍…

  • You can’t evict a movement…together against CEAS, camps, and deportations

    You can’t evict a movement…together against CEAS, camps, and deportations

    Rally at O-Platz, 9 April, 18:00 Millions of people have taken to the streets in protest against the shift to the right in recent months – often with politicians from the supposed democratic centre in the front row. But despite their lip service to democracy and human rights, current politics in Germany is outdoing itself…

  • Kundgebung am Weltgeflüchtetentag: “Wir sind O-Platz” ruft zur Solidarität auf

    Kundgebung am Weltgeflüchtetentag: “Wir sind O-Platz” ruft zur Solidarität auf

    Pressemitteilung Berlin, 19. Juni 2023 – Der Oranienplatz, seit über 11 Jahren ein symbolischer Ort für die Geflüchteten- und Migrant:innenbewegung in Deutschland, wird erneut zum Schauplatz von Protesten. Am morgigen Weltgeflüchtetentag, dem 20. Juni, ruft die Bewegung “Wir sind O-Platz” zu einer Kundgebung um 18 Uhr auf dem Oranienplatz in Berlin-Kreuzberg auf. Die Veranstaltung ist…

  • We are O-Platz! Our movement is present from 16-20 June at Oranienplatz

    We are O-Platz! Our movement is present from 16-20 June at Oranienplatz

    Oranienplatz has been a symbolic site for the refugee and migrant movement in Germany for more than 10 years now. The square has been the main site for ongoing protests, rallies and sit-ins, all aimed at drawing attention to the plight of people on the move seeking asylum in Germany. The significance of O-Platz for…

  • We are O-Platz – Call for action to join the orga-team for the summer event 2023!

    We are O-Platz – Call for action to join the orga-team for the summer event 2023!

    Oranienplatz has been a symbolic site for the refugee and migrant movement in Germany for more than 10 years now. The square has been the main site for ongoing protests, rallies and sit-ins, all aimed at drawing attention to the plight of people on the move seeking asylum in Germany. The significance of O-Platz for…

  • Workshop: Countering the state’s divisive tactics

    Workshop: Countering the state’s divisive tactics

    Join us for two days of discussions that aim to develop our understanding of tactics the state uses to disrupt social movements [21/01] and what we can do to repair trust, restore solidarity, and make our movements resilient against them [22/01]. Both events will start with input from a comrade who was part of the…

  • 10 years of the protest camp at Oranienplatz … No reason to celebrate

I don’t want our history to be falsified: When you commemorate the protest camp on Oranienplatz, which started in October 2012, remember correctly! Remember Mohammad Rahsepar! At the end of January 2012, Mohammad Rahsepar took his own life at a refugee camp in Würzburg. He had already expressed suicidal thoughts in December. Therefore, doctors had…

  • RIGHT TO STAY for ALL instead of opportunity trap!

    RIGHT TO STAY for ALL instead of opportunity trap!

    Info event: 04 October 2022 | 6 pm | 2. HH – MehringHof – Gneisenaustr. 2a – 10961 BerlinOn the podium: Berenice Böhlo (Migration law Lawyer)Bruno Watara (activist, R.w.A.)Asylum counsellor, KuB: requested Rally: Fr, 7 October 2022 | 4pm | Bundestag The federal government aims to implement its migration and refugee policy promises in the…

  • Pressemitteilung: Pressekonferenz mit Angela Davis am 06. Oktober 2022 auf dem O-Platz

    International Women* Space e. V. veranstaltet vom 05.10. bis 09.10.2022 ein Kunst- und Kulturfestival auf dem Oranienplatz, Berlin Berlin, den 23.09.2022 – Der Verein International Women* Space e. V. lädt ein, die 10-jährige Selbstermächtigungsgeschichte geflüchteter Menschen zu feiern, die in der Besetzung des Oranienplatzes und später dann auch der Gerhart-Hauptmann-Schule in der Ohlauer Straße ihren…