Tag: asylpolitik
Our Kurdish people have always struggled for life
Info-Event on Anti-Kurdish Racism 29 April 2024 in Berlin by borderless collective, Arjin und Freunde The info-event about anti-kurdish racism took place on 29.04.2024 at a self-managed space in Kreuzberg, Berlin, where various left-wing events, meetings and activities in general take place. The event was organized by the borderless collective and Kurdish activists who fled…
You can’t evict a movement…together against CEAS, camps, and deportations
Rally at O-Platz, 9 April, 18:00 Millions of people have taken to the streets in protest against the shift to the right in recent months – often with politicians from the supposed democratic centre in the front row. But despite their lip service to democracy and human rights, current politics in Germany is outdoing itself…
We are O-Platz – Call for action to join the orga-team for the summer event 2023!
Oranienplatz has been a symbolic site for the refugee and migrant movement in Germany for more than 10 years now. The square has been the main site for ongoing protests, rallies and sit-ins, all aimed at drawing attention to the plight of people on the move seeking asylum in Germany. The significance of O-Platz for…
10 years of the protest camp at Oranienplatz … No reason to celebrate
I don’t want our history to be falsified: When you commemorate the protest camp on Oranienplatz, which started in October 2012, remember correctly! Remember Mohammad Rahsepar! At the end of January 2012, Mohammad Rahsepar took his own life at a refugee camp in Würzburg. He had already expressed suicidal thoughts in December. Therefore, doctors had…
RIGHT TO STAY for ALL instead of opportunity trap!
Info event: 04 October 2022 | 6 pm | 2. HH – MehringHof – Gneisenaustr. 2a – 10961 BerlinOn the podium: Berenice Böhlo (Migration law Lawyer)Bruno Watara (activist, R.w.A.)Asylum counsellor, KuB: requested Rally: Fr, 7 October 2022 | 4pm | Bundestag The federal government aims to implement its migration and refugee policy promises in the…
Der O-Platz lebt! Der Kampf geht weiter!
Eine Ausstellung, um die bestehenden und neuen Kämpfe von Geflüchteten und Migrant*innen sichtbar zu machen. Supportet die Aktionswochen: linktr.ee/oplatz2022 Warum? Im Jahr 2022 jährt sich zum 10. Male die ursprüngliche Besetzung des Oranienplatzes durch Geflüchtete im Jahr 2012, bei der Hunderte von Menschen Protestzelte aufstellten, um sich Gehör und Sichtbarkeit zu verschaffen. Trotz der erzwungenen…
Freedom to move, freedom to stay! Rally in front of BAMF, 6 September, 13h
The asylum-seeking population is mostly affected by the lack of opportunities, by the limitations of the state and its structures. Their integrity, their identity, their lives are in mortal danger where they come from and when they arrive here they are met with indifferent and inhumane treatment by the BAMF and the Ausländerbehörde. These institutions…
Daily Resistance #9 is out!
Dear friends* and comrades*, half a year after the last issue, we have managed to compile, translate and design a new issue. 10 pages strong, it comes as always in numerous languages (Farsi, Arabic, French, German, English, Turkish, Spanish). This time, many articles explore the repression and difficulties people have to endure in lagers, but…
Afghanistan Not Safe
von We’ll Come United Berlin/Brandenburg, No border assembly *Deutsch unten* *Dari* منع دیپورت به افغانستانحق ماندن برای تمامی مهاجرین افغانستانیدر چهارچوب روز سرتاسری اعتراض علیه دیپورت و اخرج به افغانستان قرار ست که روز شنبه 05.06.2021 در شهر برلین در برادنبورگر تور( دوازده برلین) یک تجمع اعتراضی ساعت ۱۴ تا ۱۸ با بنرها، سخنرانی و گودی پران…