Press release about what’s happening at Bornitzstr. 102

bornitzstr-notunterkunft-lichtenberg-berlinby abriraqui

Are private companies, like PeWoBe establishing how to run the Lagers of asylum seekers and refugees? Who are the real decision-makers?

During 7 days, in the Lager at Bornitzstr 102 run by PeWoBE, 122 refugees are trying to avoid an eviction but there is only uncertainty.
No reasons were given to it but they were told to pack and go in 24h.
No official papers are backing up this decision, but PeWoBe is implementing it.
Daily meetings are taking place between the management of the Lager, some refugee speakpersons and supposed representatives of Lageso (officially Lageso ignores the negotiations taking place) to negotiate the current situation. Meanwhile PeWoBe is pushing LAF /Lageso to get people out of the building.

Refugees are asked to go to ICC / LAF – Lageso, where nobody can’t do anything, and just says “you must stay in the same place”.
Several sources assure that since Thursday Lageso cancelled the eviction, however PeWoBe has been threatening refugees with been thrown out.
Unclear negotiations with KopecknickerAlle Lager were taking place, so that they hosted the 122 expelled refugees. Does PeWoBe profit from that?
Officially PeWoBe’s contracts with Lageso were canceled on summer after some shameful mails were leaked to the press. Now PeWobe runs a legal battle not to hand out the management of the Lager while is still getting the money.

Meanwhile for the refugees: not food is distributed among 122 people, electricity is cut from their rooms, locks removed from their doors, some people are being checked and stolen by security.
After the pressured of social workers, supposed Lageso delegation, and management, finally some refugees decided to move out to Spandau Lager.

But is not enough, now PeWoBe is going to do new lists to throw more people out.

After one week some things become clear:

  • Economical interests are above human rights.
  • Private companies are the decision makers of how to run Lagers as well as beneficiaries from the business around refugees.
  • Refugees fighting for their human rights are being threatened,cornered and declared persona non grata.

Will fighting for human rights harm a person’s asylum process and integration in their new country?
Are people merchandise in the hands of politicians or corporations?

They urgently ask the support and attention of local and international medias and activists.

More information at


There is a refugee speakperson, please write to refugeeresistanceberlin AT to get the contact.