Time: Tuesday 8 July, 11am
Place: Cuvrystrasse 50-51, U-Bahn Schlesisches Tor
English below…
Wir die Bewohner der Cuvrybrache haben sehr konkrete informationen darüber das die Räumung der Brache zwischen Montag 07.07.14 und Freitag 11.07.14 stattfinden soll. Höchstwarscheinlich am Dienstag 08.07.14 früh morgens ca. 06:00 Uhr, die ganze Umgebung wird davor warscheinlich schon abgespert sein.
Auf der Brache leben ca. 130 Menschen die hälfte davon Romafamilien, für die der Bezirk keine andere Lösung zu suchen gedenkt. Wir brauchen diese Woche über und vor allem am Dienstag morgen viel Presse um die Umstände der Räumung zu Dokumentieren.
After the Eviction of most of the inhabitants of the Refugee School, the Cuvry Brache in Kreuzberg is now in high danger of eviction!
We expect that the last big squat in Berlin will be evicted in the beginning of next week!!!
Until last week there were two big spaces in Berlin where everyone could go and live without paying or asking for any permission: The Refugee School and Cuvry Brache. Now they want to take us the last big free space in Berlin.
The owner Artur Süsskind, a real estate manager wants to build apartments on this open space by the river Spree between the neibourghoods of Kreuzberg and Friedichshain.
Cuvry Brache has a long history of creative and self-organized movements. It has been occupied and evicted several times, the last one 3-4 years ago. Since then a variety of people have made it their home. There is no formal way of organization, people come here and do what they feel like doing.
There are 130 people approx. living in Cuvry, half of them Roma families that the city wants to get rid off by any means. Until now, neither the district nor the owner offered any alternatives or solutions for the people at Cuvry.
The existance of Cuvry or free places alike is of vital importance to all of us and not only for people who lives there or use the place. In Cuvry everyone has a place, absolutely everyone!
We want the eviction of Cuvry to be, along with the resistence of the refugees and supporters in the school, the starting point of a movement that brings together all the people in this city who care about the increasing and continous limitation of freedom that the so called authorities and those who are thinking and designing the world for us are trying to impose to all of us.