INSEL 36 Trailer (ISLAND 36) a film by Aslı Özarslan
Insel 36 (Island 36) is a documentary by Aslı Özarslan about refugee protests in Berlin. For more than one year asylum seekers lived in tents on Oranienplatz to take a stand against isolation enforced upon them by german laws. Among them is only one woman, Napuli from Sudan…
My Right is Your Right web page and demonstration at 21st of March
The My Right is Your Right alliance has started it’s web page. Click on the emblem at the left to have a look. Refugees, various cultural institutions, legal professionists, engaged citizens and others have formed this alliance to campaign for refugee’s civil rights in Berlin. Currently a demonstration…
Demo against the dictatorship in Sudan
Hey krimineller Diktator! – Über 350 Demonstrant_innen haben am 14.02.2015 in Berlin gemeinsam mit den Refugees vom Weißekreuzplatz Hannover vor der sudanesischen Botschaft gegen die Zusammenarbeit der deutschen und der sudanesischen Regierung protestiert. Sudanes_innen und Unterstützer_innen aus ganz Niedersachsen waren dazu mit zwei voll besetzten Bussen angereist.…
Refugee Activists From Sudan Occupy Sudanese Embassy in Berlin 11.02.2015, Pressekonferenz
Lasst die Presse in die Botschaft rein!!! Pressefreiheit!!! Hey criminal dictator: This embassy belongs to us! (You must leave now) We are refugees and political activists from Sudan, today we are peacefully occupying our Sudanese embassy in Berlin, as a protest action to announce our political position against…
Workshop (part 3) Refugees Protest Camp Hannover Weißekreuzplatz
Workshop (part 2) Germany vs. Refugees
Workshop (part 1) about political situation in Sudan
Update from DGB-Occupation
Finally we got our stuff back: the dgb-eviction was in october 2014 and only NOW the police released our stuff. first few of people got a letter which allowed them to get their stuff back and as long we know just “legal” people, not everyone like the refugee…
STOP WAR ON MIGRANTS – International Conference of undocumented and migrants
From 5th – 8th february 2015 in Berlin – with delegations of CISPM from France, Belgium, Spain, Italy, Poland, Holland, Germany, Greece and Tunisia Where: Centre francais, Müllerstraße 74, Berlin (metro-station U6 Rehberge, Wedding) Programm: