Oranienplatz: Solifest für Kobane am 11. Juli
Join in and support! Solidarity Brigades for the Reconstruction of Kobanê After 134 days of heroic struggle the Kurdish People’s Prtection Units (YPG) and the Women’s Protection Units (YPJ) liberated the city of Kobanê in Rojava from the fascist terror gangs of the so-called “Islamic State” (IS) late…
Stop Calling Freedom Fighters Refugees
It is a new campaign against categorizing the people who like to change their place, Refugees, As many people feel insulted by this word, means that, you can never be one of us, you will always be a refugee. We are no refugee. We are people, and we…
This week: Day X – Stop the tightening of the asylum law / Diese Woche: Tag X – Asylrechtsverschärfung stoppen / Cette semaine: Jour X – Stop le durcissement du droit d’asile
2. Juni 2015 / Berlin* Demonstration zum Bundestag / 14.00 / Willy Brandt Haus / mehr Infos Demonstration to the Bundestag/ 2 pm/ Willy Brandt House/ more information <https://twitter.com/lirumla/status/615112148616933377/photo/1> —————————————————————————————————————————- The tighteneing of the asylum law will be adopted this week in Bundestag. There will be actions nationwide.…
Africa, Uncolonized: A Detailed Look at an Alternate Continent
by FRANK JACOBS What if the Black Plague had killed off almost all Europeans? Then theReconquista never happens. Spain and Portugal don’t kickstart Europe’s colonization of other continents. And this is what Africa might have looked like. The map – upside down, to skew our traditional eurocentric point…
Band LOMNAVA is looking for new members
The band LOMNAVA headed up by refugee rights activist Kokou Teophil is looking for musical and practical support to help SPREAD THE MESSAGE ON REFUGEE RIGHTS through LOVE OF GOOD MUSIC, please share this message within your art, music, refugee support networks! LOMNAVA – REFUGEES & FRIENDS [2]…
Empowerment Workshop
Wir laden euch herzlich zu einem Empowerment Workshop ein! Themen wie Rassismus, Flucht und Migration werden in Deutschland meist aus der Perspektive von weißen Mehrheitsgesellschaft diskutiert, dargestellt und bestimmt – von Menschen also, die in einer rassistisch strukturierten Gesellschaft zu den Privilegierten gehören. Die Sicht der von Rassismus…
The Origin of the phrase “Women of Color”
https://www.youtube.com/embed/82vl34mi4Iw?version=3&rel=1&fs=1&showsearch=0&showinfo=1&iv_load_policy=1&wmode=transparent from iwspace http://bit.ly/1KcNc0x
The Dominican Republic’s “Ethnic Purging”: Edwidge Danticat on Mass Deportation of Haitian Families
Democracy Now! The Dominican Republic is set to begin what some are calling “ethnic purging,” placing the fate of hundreds of thousands of Dominicans of Haitian descent into limbo. Half a million legally stateless people could be sent to Haiti this week, including those who have never stepped foot…
“I Am Not Nonviolent”: New Nina Simone Film Captures Singer and Activist’s Uncompromising Voice
As the Black Lives Matter movement grows across the country and the the nation mourns the death of the nine worshipers killed at Charleston’s Emanuel AME Church, we look back at the life of one of the most important voices of the civil rights movement: the singer Nina…